Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Ducks in a Row

"The past is past and now you are free to choose what you want.."....Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht

In order to stop or curtail any disorder or addiction, you need to get your ducks in a row. The disorder or addictions are the symptoms, and while they need to be understood in their own right, you now know that it is necessary to go below the surface to the root cause. This holds true for all addictions and disorders, including emotional or thought patterns that are acting as mind blocks to any success. The next few blogs will focus on this. Be sure to have your journal and be prepared to put aside some real quality time for yourSELF. This is not quick fix work. In fact, you will find yourself coming back to this area, time & time again. Patients and Workshop participants often ask me when "all of this" will be over. This always makes me smile, as that question is not foreign to me. Self-work is truly never finished, and hopefully you will come to know that as a good thing. So, it's important to find joy in the journey. Then you can stop wanting it to finish quickly.

You are already learning that it will be possible to change your lifestyle behaviors. The earlier Workshop entries set the early stage for breaking old patterns. You are now beginning to understand that patterns have many parts, or tentacles that all need attention. In the past yu may have thought of a pattern as being singular, such as disorderly eating, smoking or excessive alcohol intake, but these patterns each can have a hundred parts or more. The more awareness you build, the more parts you will find. Then you can decide, with the help of your subconscious mind, how you want to manage them.

As you learn to look and study the negative parts, you will locate some huge time wasters, many that tend to complicate other parts of your life. Your own memories can affirm this for you. Here's how. Think of how many times you thought about starting a program or discipline to re-order you life in some way. Now pile up those thoughts in the theater of your mind. How high is the pile? How many minutes, hours or days does this represent? These re-starts are not only time-wasters, but they tend to re-etch failure, thereby making a new pattern for your collection.

You already know tht these mind and body tools will also take you towards optimum performance if you work with them in a consistent way. It's one thing to have a tool, but quite another to know how and when to utilize it. It's just like purchasing a tool in a hardware store. You know why you bought it, but you still need to read the directions to become familiar with it. Most tools, like the ones you are given here, are multi-purpose and can be utilized in many areas of life.

One of the basic tools of this program is called Heightened Awareness. It involves becoming very aware of specific behaviors, their facets, the emotions that color them, as well as the connected body sensations. Remember that you cannot assess or change what you cannot see, nor what you are not willing to see. This is key. Many behaviors and emotional reactions are very ingrained. you may know them as part of your personality of "just the way you are." This is perfectly fine as long as they are not interfering with the quality of your life and health.

Unfortunately, for many of us, our behviors and emotions tend to do just that and more. They are infamous for robbing creativity and smashing possibilities for prosperity in all areas of life. You don't have to look far to know how true this is. It is easier to see this when looking at others, but self-awareness and healthy self-assessment will make looking into yourself much easier.


When looking into the "self-disclosure mirror" it is difficult to honestly see yourSELF and even more difficult when you don't know what to look for. This is where the power of personal assessment comes to help & guide you. As you work through the Workshop assessment, you will take each area to your own personal mirror, where your subconscious mind will assist you by showing you what you need to know & see. For some this may be a bit unnerving, but you will develop some tough skin, as well as the ability to forgive yourself, as well as to have compassion.

In the next blog Workshop we will begin inner exploration & detective work.


My goal, as the originator of Interactive Self-Hypnosis & the Workshop, is to show you how to become an exceptional strategist in your life, be it a battle or not. Here you will be empowered to take responsibility for your own health, your well-being & your level of performance. This Workshop is a unique road map leading you, the participant, into a world of optimum health, positive expectation & gently paced action....the true beginning of permanent lifestyle change.

The past issues of this blog can be found below. Other segments are stored in the following separate blog. For those of you who would like to practice Interactive Self-Hypnosis, there is always a complimentary mp3 sitting on my website. The program that is there presently is a full session called The Life University. This is part of a 2-CD/mp3 program for re-structuring goals & implementing them in all parts of life. I'm sure you will join others who have enjoyed working with this program. I'll be changing this in a few days, so you might want to take advantage of it while it is still posted. The next program will be on goal achievement.