"No one would register for an educational course without checking out the teaching staff. You would certainly want to know who was teaching the course & their background in the subject matter. Yet our "life teachers" didn't have to meet any of criteria or scrutiny. As children, as teens & even into adulthood most of us took everything we were told or taught at face-value, carrying these beliefs through life as truths, formulating a permanent lens to continually view ourselves, as well as others, often robbing creativity & quality of life"... Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
CD/mp3 Suggestions
Interactive Self-Hypnosis Workshop
Your Authentic Self
Experiencing Regression
All programs are available through my websites, as well as on major audioBOOK sites.
Who were your early teachers & what were their credentials? This was a question I asked my class last night. Some of the answers were rather brow-lifting. This was not an attempt to criticize or show disrespect to any family member or other caregiver. We all have imperfections & while most of our early teachers did they best they could, what they provided may not have been what we needed nor what we need now. For most of us it's time to wake up & that charge.
I've introduced some of the group participants including Claire, Jennifer, Susan & Tim. Claire's parents divorced with she was ten years old. She lived with her father who worked as an engineer. He was strict, but loving. Her daily care came from her paternal grandmother & older sister by four years. This was her early core teaching group. The grandmother was overwhelmed with having two young girls in her care & while taking care of the practical aspects of daily life, she rarely talked to them about anything personal or their feelings. Claire grew up non-verbalizing her needs, desires & feelings. Her binge behaviors began at age eight, before the divorce.
Jennifer's core teaching group included her alcoholic mother & father. She has two older brothers who formed a bond to each other, leaving her out on her own. They often "tortured" her by tickling & doing something called Indian rub burns. When she cried or complained, her mother would scream at her & send her to her room to await the arrival of her father.... the disciplinarian. Jennifer learned to accept punishment without complaining & began bingeing at the age of four.
Tim grew up in a different kind of core family. His parents were both well-educated & successful in their own careers. He has an older sister & brother who excelled in sports & academics. This was a busy family with little time for personal attention. As Tim explains, it was like being on my own train with no conductor. Each night his parents had cocktails before a hastly put together dinner. After dinner everyone went to their own space until bedtime. Tim never learned what it took to succeed at life. It was as if those chapters of the book of life were never read to him. Tim grew up thinking that life was easy, without complications, so when his life became complicated, he turned to junk food & alcohol..........just like his parents.
Susan grew up as the child-caregiver to both the children & adults in her life. Her father died when she was three & she remembers promising her mother to be "a good girl" & to keep everyone happy. Quite a job description for a young child. She missed out on her childhood & so has little idea about providing one to her own children. She is a high level achiever, perfectionist & poor delegator. She started bingeing at the age of four & continues to hide & binge eat daily.
Parents & siblings are only a few of our early caregivers. When self-examining this area of one's life, it's important to have a look at other mentors or teachers. Look to other relatives, neighbors, church, clubs, sports coaches, teachers, friends, non-friends & other people one may have been fascinated with, even if they weren't actively involved in one's daily life. Remember that we learn from all of our intake senses.
If early teachers or mentors weren't helpful in teaching healthy stress-release & emotional management, chances are that the student or Self never matured properly & may continue with elevating other life-teachers to positions well above the Self. This often happens in marriage when the Self moves from the early mentors or teachers to the home of the husband-mentor. It's not surprising to find this type of history in those with disorderly eating or addictions.
I'd like to take the group into some of these areas, so they can begin to learn how to move out of the problem & the self-judgement & onto the path of positive change. It's easy to stay in the problem, acting as the victim. No one is going to argue that the above teachers were deficient in some way or in many ways. No discussion there. However, there is little to be gained if anything from staying the victim.
So, let's begin to outline some of this work...
It's important to know that even when you were a toddler, your earliest teachers may have been placing potential addictive programs. If addictions were present in your early environment, you were also learning how to manage stress with these substances. I'm going to address certain addictions first & then go into some food issues.
What did your mentors teach you?
Were there members of your family or social circle who smoked or consumed alcohol?
Was coffee a regular a beverage of choice?
Did you have soft drinks available?
We you offered any of these substances?
Were you offered water as a beverage or was it not considered a beverage?
Are there any areas that need editing here?
Simply relax deeply into the moment and bring up the images you would like to change. Even though they really happened, you can still change the scenes in some way. Perhaps you would like to stand next to your child as an adult mentor and point out that one can love or like someone even if they participate in dangerous habits. Let the child know that it is not healthy to smoke at all.
There are some people who can enjoy a drink of alcohol on occasion, but it truly isn't a good idea to get used to it. Coffee is not a healthy drink and should be avoided, as well as other drinks that have sugar and caffeine. Take the opportunity to share a glass of cool, refreshing water with your child-self and tell the child all about the rewards for participating in healthy behaviors.
Addressing your child-self, gently point out what would be good to change and why. Invite your subconscious librarian to gift you with further information.
Go back inside again and take some time to notice how you caregivers took care of yourself nutritionally and then how you took care of yourself. Pay special attention to your feelings about these memories.
Visit breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks.
Who made the decisions in regard to your lifestyle behavior choices?
How did peer pressure play out in relation to foods and stress?
If this were a book you were writing, is there anything you would change?
How would you edit it? Be very specific.
Sometimes the subconscious mind will send up material about areas you have already “ mind-researched.” This is like remembering where your keys are located after you stopped looking for them. Has any additional information been provided that would apply to your earlier years? If so, go back and make additional notes in the area above. Teen years often hold some important areas in relation to the development of eating disorders and certainly sugar addiction.
It has really helped me to visit my transition from teen to young adult. I can understand how much pressure I put on myself and how much I pretended to be mature. This was very stressful and also set the stage for the years that followed. I truly lost my essence here in this very place. Now I'm looking forward and have a question. Every woman in my family became obese in middle age. Are you telling me that I have a chance to have different outcomes?
While you have family genetic wallpaper, you also have the ability to make better choices in how you care for yourself. More than likely the other women in your family did not have this information available to them, but you do. Keep in mind that everything you do has a consequence, and so if you keep doing the same things as they did, you will have the same consequences, but if on the other hand you choose to change, so will your outcomes.
There are many mp3/CD programs to help you organize & activate your life. Interactive Self-Hypnosis gives you the opportunity to "tweak" your own mind & to move forward at faster speeds. We tend to utilize less than 2% of our potential, so why not delve into your "inner bank account?"
Here is a complimentary session for you to experience, the focus being your early teachers & the formation of your beliefs. It is part of a three session series called Authentic Self. Follow the link to the download.
If you would like my assistance in choosing the best program for you, please contact me.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Library of the Mind - Part 1
"When you are disordered on the outside, your inner landscape is also disordered. Get ready to see & experience things differently. It’s time to become great at advanced life lessons."... Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
The Workshop Group is ready to practice Interactive Self-Hypnosis. Today the focus is on deepening trance states. This will allow us to relax deeply, exit the meyhem of disorderly thinking & to enter the library of the mind.
CD/mp3 Suggestions
Deepening Workshop
Interactive Self-Hypnosis Workshop
Tools of Visualization & Imagery
These are available on my websites, as well as on other major audioBOOK websites.
ELIZ: You began your life walk with your very own unique first step. While this may have been your first walking step, every experience in your entire life had a first step as well, and you have many more first steps to experience.
Tune into the world and you will hear lots of moaning and groaning about having to begin all over again. If you take a moment to dissect these complaints, you will find the errors in these thought patterns, for every experiential moment on the path of life begins in a different place. A failure experience is simply a step in a different direction. Later as we explore the subject of failure, you will come to find that it really isn’t a bad thing, but instead a good one. We are surrounded with a multitude of teachers on these subjects.
Take toddlers for example. We can learn quite a bit from them. Observe what happens when they fall down. They may cry or not, but then they get up, center themselves, look around at their immediate environment, then movetowards where they want to go.
Your own breath is your teacher in residence. As you learn to observe it, you will begin to find that each inhalation and exhalation is different from the one before. Therefore we do know how to live with ongoing change. This realization can help you to shift out of the fear surrounding change, right into action.
The tools you have learned so far are multi-faceted. They work to reduce your stress chemical production just by their sheer presence. The slowing of your brain waves is called deepening trance. You already know how to reach the alpha brain wave state right in the moment, even when others are around. When the brain waves are slowed, the body becomes balanced. This is called homeostasis. Your blood pressure normalizes, as does your heart and hormone production. This act of mental shifting begins changes within every cell, delivering you to the door of your subconscious mind that is located at the alpha brain wave level.
You can slow the brain waves even more, going to a deeper level of trance. Many people have the idea that it is necessary to be at much lower levels in order to practice effective hypnosis. Some believe they must be asleep in order for suggestions to be planted. Nothing could be further than the truth. We tend to be in self-hypnotic states all day long, but unfortunately most of these are negative mind programs, going towards negative goals instead of positive ones.. In purposeful self-hypnosis, you will be waking from these, releasing them and then programming your mind for what you want.
There are times when you might like to go to a deeper level, perhaps during a dental appointment or medical procedure. Deepening is also beneficial for releasing high stress levels, either in the moment or in time put aside for this purpose. There are many ways to experience deepening. While all of these can be applied in the moment, it is best to practice them in a solitary environment, without time pressure.
A simple exercise for deepening is the utilization of mind magnets. Most of us are familiar with the sensation of magnetic pull. For example, if you have flown in a plane you do know the feeling of being pulled down and back into the seat.
Start this exercise with a deep yawn breath, holding it in your mouth for the count of four, letting it out slowly. Settle into the chair, tilting your eyes up slightly. When practicing you might like to close your eyes, but you can practice this with them opened or closed. Allow your buttocks to be pulled gently down, sensing your spine sinking into the back of the chair. You can work with an imaginary dial. Notice that as you turn it to the right, the magnetic sensation enhances. A turn to the left allows you to experience a decrease in magnetic sensation. This imagery gives you full control of your depth of trance or level of relaxation.
This exercise is very easily adaptable to any situation in the real world. For example, if you find yourself becoming anxious in the moment, simply turn your dial to the right. You will be turning off your stress chemical production, slowing your brain waves, and going right to the door of your subconscious mind where you can request information or plant suggestions. As you tilt your eyes up just slightly, your programming screen will be available for subconscious mind communication. You can also release emotional cravings in the same way. Of course, physiological cravings need to be managed with the food connection.
This exercise appears a bit more cumbersome, but each part of it can be utilized as a separate mind program in the moment. Sit upright and allow your body to sink into the chair. Take in a very deep yawn breath, holding it in your mouth for the count of four, allow it to exit slowly as if you were a balloon at the end of a party. After reading this exercise, close your eyes and tilt them up about twenty degrees, just as if you were sitting in the second row of a movie theater. Notice the placement of the mind screen and the number four slowly coming in from the distance. Remember imaging is different than seeing with normal sight. It’s more of a felt sense. Allow the number to touch and enter your forehead and begin to feel it absorbing down throughout your body.
Bring your eyes back to the screen and notice the number three is coming in and now entering the center of your chest, finding the door to your heart and now pumping throughout your body taking it further down. The number two is coming towards you now, entering your belly button door and disseminating down into your lower abdomen and both legs. Allow yourself time to feel the joining of the numbers, as they take you deeper. The number one is coming forward in the form of a paint brush coated in white sparkling paint and outlining your entire body. Notice you can take the outline off and place it back on. Each time you do so you go deeper down. You can utilize this portable outline at any moment, as it is now programmed. Once you are inside your outline, you are separated or disassociated from the action of the moment and in the powerful position of the observer.
In a strange paradox, the release of the high stress states actually opens the subconscious library door, readying the mind for programming. Your creative power is right where you want it. Each and every time you wake up to an aspect of your disorderly eating, addiction or any other stressor, choose to release it. Now program your mind for what you want. See or sense it on the mind screen “as if” you already achieved this. You could also choose to edit the inner scene that is playing out, especially if it is related to your addictions. Pretend that you are the writer, producer, director of this production and change whatever you want. Then observe as it goes forward with your new programming.
Your subconscious mind loves inner organization. To oblige, you will be building some working metaphors or inner structure that will encompass your entire life. This will make it easy for you to build multiple goals in different areas of your life, as well as manage the emotional children that either help or hinder. While this work may appear like a child’s game, make no mistake. Your subconscious mind loves pictures, especially stories that are both humorous and imaginative. You are in the process of engaging your mind to assist you in managing your specific problems, but you can utilize this to organize other areas of your life as well. Remember, everything is connected. Your disorders do not exist unto themselves.
There are many mp3/CD programs to help you organize & activate your life. Interactive Self-Hypnosis gives you the opportunity to "tweak" your own mind & to move forward at faster speeds. We tend to utilize less than 2% of our potential, so why not delve into your "inner bank account?"
Here is a complimentary session for you to experience. The name of the program is Inviting Change Utilizing Interactive Self-Hypnosis. This particular program offers 3 sessions. You can download it by clicking on the link. Here's a short description:
Inner Organization #4005
This program is designed to assist the listener in utilizing powerful imagery & affirmations for developing a new improved mindset of inner & outer organization. We have many possessions & collections. Some are tangible, those we can touch & hold, & those intangibles, such as moments in time. As you learn to work with this particular mindset of organization you will clearly image these valuable collections. You will also become aware of the dis-organizers, the "collection value snatchers." As you learn to spot their arrival you have the choice to diminish them.
The Workshop Group is ready to practice Interactive Self-Hypnosis. Today the focus is on deepening trance states. This will allow us to relax deeply, exit the meyhem of disorderly thinking & to enter the library of the mind.
CD/mp3 Suggestions
Deepening Workshop
Interactive Self-Hypnosis Workshop
Tools of Visualization & Imagery
These are available on my websites, as well as on other major audioBOOK websites.
ELIZ: You began your life walk with your very own unique first step. While this may have been your first walking step, every experience in your entire life had a first step as well, and you have many more first steps to experience.
Tune into the world and you will hear lots of moaning and groaning about having to begin all over again. If you take a moment to dissect these complaints, you will find the errors in these thought patterns, for every experiential moment on the path of life begins in a different place. A failure experience is simply a step in a different direction. Later as we explore the subject of failure, you will come to find that it really isn’t a bad thing, but instead a good one. We are surrounded with a multitude of teachers on these subjects.
Take toddlers for example. We can learn quite a bit from them. Observe what happens when they fall down. They may cry or not, but then they get up, center themselves, look around at their immediate environment, then movetowards where they want to go.
Your own breath is your teacher in residence. As you learn to observe it, you will begin to find that each inhalation and exhalation is different from the one before. Therefore we do know how to live with ongoing change. This realization can help you to shift out of the fear surrounding change, right into action.
The tools you have learned so far are multi-faceted. They work to reduce your stress chemical production just by their sheer presence. The slowing of your brain waves is called deepening trance. You already know how to reach the alpha brain wave state right in the moment, even when others are around. When the brain waves are slowed, the body becomes balanced. This is called homeostasis. Your blood pressure normalizes, as does your heart and hormone production. This act of mental shifting begins changes within every cell, delivering you to the door of your subconscious mind that is located at the alpha brain wave level.
You can slow the brain waves even more, going to a deeper level of trance. Many people have the idea that it is necessary to be at much lower levels in order to practice effective hypnosis. Some believe they must be asleep in order for suggestions to be planted. Nothing could be further than the truth. We tend to be in self-hypnotic states all day long, but unfortunately most of these are negative mind programs, going towards negative goals instead of positive ones.. In purposeful self-hypnosis, you will be waking from these, releasing them and then programming your mind for what you want.
There are times when you might like to go to a deeper level, perhaps during a dental appointment or medical procedure. Deepening is also beneficial for releasing high stress levels, either in the moment or in time put aside for this purpose. There are many ways to experience deepening. While all of these can be applied in the moment, it is best to practice them in a solitary environment, without time pressure.
A simple exercise for deepening is the utilization of mind magnets. Most of us are familiar with the sensation of magnetic pull. For example, if you have flown in a plane you do know the feeling of being pulled down and back into the seat.
Start this exercise with a deep yawn breath, holding it in your mouth for the count of four, letting it out slowly. Settle into the chair, tilting your eyes up slightly. When practicing you might like to close your eyes, but you can practice this with them opened or closed. Allow your buttocks to be pulled gently down, sensing your spine sinking into the back of the chair. You can work with an imaginary dial. Notice that as you turn it to the right, the magnetic sensation enhances. A turn to the left allows you to experience a decrease in magnetic sensation. This imagery gives you full control of your depth of trance or level of relaxation.
This exercise is very easily adaptable to any situation in the real world. For example, if you find yourself becoming anxious in the moment, simply turn your dial to the right. You will be turning off your stress chemical production, slowing your brain waves, and going right to the door of your subconscious mind where you can request information or plant suggestions. As you tilt your eyes up just slightly, your programming screen will be available for subconscious mind communication. You can also release emotional cravings in the same way. Of course, physiological cravings need to be managed with the food connection.
This exercise appears a bit more cumbersome, but each part of it can be utilized as a separate mind program in the moment. Sit upright and allow your body to sink into the chair. Take in a very deep yawn breath, holding it in your mouth for the count of four, allow it to exit slowly as if you were a balloon at the end of a party. After reading this exercise, close your eyes and tilt them up about twenty degrees, just as if you were sitting in the second row of a movie theater. Notice the placement of the mind screen and the number four slowly coming in from the distance. Remember imaging is different than seeing with normal sight. It’s more of a felt sense. Allow the number to touch and enter your forehead and begin to feel it absorbing down throughout your body.
Bring your eyes back to the screen and notice the number three is coming in and now entering the center of your chest, finding the door to your heart and now pumping throughout your body taking it further down. The number two is coming towards you now, entering your belly button door and disseminating down into your lower abdomen and both legs. Allow yourself time to feel the joining of the numbers, as they take you deeper. The number one is coming forward in the form of a paint brush coated in white sparkling paint and outlining your entire body. Notice you can take the outline off and place it back on. Each time you do so you go deeper down. You can utilize this portable outline at any moment, as it is now programmed. Once you are inside your outline, you are separated or disassociated from the action of the moment and in the powerful position of the observer.
In a strange paradox, the release of the high stress states actually opens the subconscious library door, readying the mind for programming. Your creative power is right where you want it. Each and every time you wake up to an aspect of your disorderly eating, addiction or any other stressor, choose to release it. Now program your mind for what you want. See or sense it on the mind screen “as if” you already achieved this. You could also choose to edit the inner scene that is playing out, especially if it is related to your addictions. Pretend that you are the writer, producer, director of this production and change whatever you want. Then observe as it goes forward with your new programming.
Your subconscious mind loves inner organization. To oblige, you will be building some working metaphors or inner structure that will encompass your entire life. This will make it easy for you to build multiple goals in different areas of your life, as well as manage the emotional children that either help or hinder. While this work may appear like a child’s game, make no mistake. Your subconscious mind loves pictures, especially stories that are both humorous and imaginative. You are in the process of engaging your mind to assist you in managing your specific problems, but you can utilize this to organize other areas of your life as well. Remember, everything is connected. Your disorders do not exist unto themselves.
There are many mp3/CD programs to help you organize & activate your life. Interactive Self-Hypnosis gives you the opportunity to "tweak" your own mind & to move forward at faster speeds. We tend to utilize less than 2% of our potential, so why not delve into your "inner bank account?"
Here is a complimentary session for you to experience. The name of the program is Inviting Change Utilizing Interactive Self-Hypnosis. This particular program offers 3 sessions. You can download it by clicking on the link. Here's a short description:
Inner Organization #4005
This program is designed to assist the listener in utilizing powerful imagery & affirmations for developing a new improved mindset of inner & outer organization. We have many possessions & collections. Some are tangible, those we can touch & hold, & those intangibles, such as moments in time. As you learn to work with this particular mindset of organization you will clearly image these valuable collections. You will also become aware of the dis-organizers, the "collection value snatchers." As you learn to spot their arrival you have the choice to diminish them.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Imaginology - Part 2
"Imagination is like a wild horse that has been led into the corral, waiting to be directed. Of course, you can open the gates & let it go, but why not give both of you the gifts of self-discipline?"....Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
Suggested CD/mp3's
Visualization & Imagery Workshop
Self-Hypnosis Workshop
Managing Thoughts
In hypnosis we alter our internal world. By utilizing our imagination in special ways we stir feelings and alter behavior and attitudes. When you change how you think, visualize and imagine things to be, your feelings and behaviors begin to change. You not only see what is possible, but the subconscious mind will send up other suggestions for your approval, perhaps things you never even considered that will take you even closer to your goal, or enhance it in some way. The mind works backwards. When it sees the ideal goal picture clearly in great definition, it makes the action plan. Changes just seem to occur, as if the goal took on it’s own life. Things that were difficult in the past often become simple, and one is left wondering what the commotion was all about.
Our subconscious mind stores all memories, anything and everything we have experienced through our entire life. This includes memories of each and very sense, including taste, touch, sight, hearing and emotion. It’s all there filed in an orderly fashion. This means that you have a wealth of resources on which to draw as you focus on your future. Most of us never utilize these assets and continue to see everything as a struggle. If one continues to see things in this way, everything will be a struggle for one always gets what one asks for in the mind’s eye.
As you learn to relax, to let go, and ask for the appropriate resources from the inner bank vault, you can change with a new level of comfort. When you are tense the subconscious mind cannot get your attention, and so you cannot share the bounty. As you learn to relax during actual stress, the stressors will work as catalysts, opening the door of the subconscious mind, and freeing you to work with this powerful part of yourself.
Working with subconscious mind programs will make your management of disorderly eating and addictions much easier. You already know about containments, and since you are more skilled than you were earlier on in this book, this is a good moment to build a few.
Simply relax deeply, tilt your eyes up about twenty degrees. Place a mind movie, perhaps seeing yourself in your containment area and placing an appropriate label on a facet of your disorderly eating. Your inner librarian will take care of the rest. Take an extra moment to study the contents. What does your disorder or addiction look like? Notice some of the VCR programs that you play in relation to this issue. Are they worn out from over-playing? Have you already made some corrections and celebrated them? Always be sure to celebrate both big and small accomplishments. Remember small ones tend to pile up and become very big ones!!
Have a look at your emotional children, noticing they crayons that they are applying to this special containment. Remember, your subconscious mind does not judge. What you play is what you get. This will be subconsciously enhanced for you. When working with your subconscious mind in this way, you can make changes right in the moment if you choose. If there are any emotional visitors or crayons you would like to remove from this containment, please go ahead and do so. Just image yourself completing the action. Your librarian will take care of the rest. You may wonder what you are actually doing. The right brain is very creative and sees this as a re-programming. Whenever the subconscious mind finds your actions in real life being incongruent with subconscious mind programming, the inner programming will win out. You will instantaneously be pulled into heightened awareness and find yourself going towards the behaviors connected to the inner program.
The art of working with mind images is often called imagery or visualization. My word for this is imaginology. I define this as the study of your own imagination or mind creativity. This speaks to the special work you are doing here.
In the practice of imaginology, you see with your mind’s eye. This is very different than seeing with normal sight. Sometimes people report that they can’t see images and become discouraged in working hypnotically. This is simply a matter of communication and understanding of how the tools work and what to expect. Each and every person reading my words is working with imagery.
Whenever you notice an idea or a thought flowing through your mind, this is imagery. Whenever you hear someone telling a story and you form pictures in your mind about it, this is imagery. The reason one has less problems with those examples is that there is little to no efforting. When someone tells you a story they don’t say, “now I want you to see images in your mind as I tell you what happened to me on the way to work.” Images just naturally come to mind. Your job here is to take the efforting out of the process of imagery and imaginology, allowing free flow. It helps to practice, and so in this chapter you will be presented with some skill building exercises. There is no right or wrong way to do this work. It is simply the doing that is important. Your work is to get out of your own way, allowing your subconscious mind to simply take the ball and run with it.
Let’s practice. As your eyes read these words, if you choose, you can easily see your bedroom in your mind. You don’t have to elicit the relaxation response to do that, do you? The image just came forward. Now notice you can see yourself going to that bed and turning back the covers. You can also “mind experience” this and sense your body walking towards your bed and feeling the covers as you turn them back. In another instant you can be in your car, driving down any street. Go ahead and practice seeing yourself driving, and then actually driving. Feel the steering wheel, the seat beneath you, and touch the rear view mirror.
You can then transfer to your office and look for some files, or see yourself doing that. Those are two different kinds of imaginolgy. Next, be in the supermarket choosing all your favorite foods. Feel them as you take them off the shelves. Notice they all feel differently. Now practice seeing yourself participating in an entire supermarket excursion in a few seconds. Don’t you wish it could be like that in real life?
Let’s practice some regression. Take yourself back into your past, replaying anything you choose. You don’t have to go back very far to find your past. It is just on the other side of “now.” Of course, you can go way back if you choose, and in a later chapter you will be working on your time line, going back as well as going forward.
A frequent question is “what is the difference between meditation and visualization?” Meditation clears and concentrates the mind, while visualization or imagery puts an image in it. Both are great change agents and complement each other. Visualization or imaginology refers to our inner movies or VCR tapes. These are at the heart of our mind bio-computer. The human brain programs and self-programs through its images. All skills, and all achievements are acquired through this image-making process. Interactive Awareness and Interactive Self-Hypnosis are high-level consciousness tools that allow stress release, emotional management, subconscious mind re-editing and programming right in the moment.
Building these skills can assist us at all levels of our training and performance whether it be managing sugar addiction or winning at tennis.. Many people feel they are making up the images, rather than seeing them and this is perfectly fine. The mind accepts what is presented to it as truth, so as long as the images are healthy and positive, go with your own creative thoughts.
Here is another skill builder that will enhance your toolbox. Take any simple object, a pen, pencil, cup or similar item will do. Look directly at it until you feel you are quite familiar with it. Close your eyes and imagine you are still looking at it. Open your eyes and look at the object again, and compare it with your mind image. Now close your eyes and do the same. Next, move the object out from where you are observing it, and scan it with your eyes as if it were an external image. Often people expect the inner image to be exactly like the outer image, and judge themselves as being a "poor imager." This is just the ego getting in the way, and the emotional visitors coloring the visualization experience for you. Release them, and go back to your practice knowing that however you image or visualize is absolutely correct. There is no right or wrong. The more you practice, the more understanding you will have of the whole experience and the more real your images will become.
At the bottom of Imaginology - Part 1, you will find the links to the complimentary mp3 download for this part of the Online Workshop.
Suggested CD/mp3's
Visualization & Imagery Workshop
Self-Hypnosis Workshop
Managing Thoughts
In hypnosis we alter our internal world. By utilizing our imagination in special ways we stir feelings and alter behavior and attitudes. When you change how you think, visualize and imagine things to be, your feelings and behaviors begin to change. You not only see what is possible, but the subconscious mind will send up other suggestions for your approval, perhaps things you never even considered that will take you even closer to your goal, or enhance it in some way. The mind works backwards. When it sees the ideal goal picture clearly in great definition, it makes the action plan. Changes just seem to occur, as if the goal took on it’s own life. Things that were difficult in the past often become simple, and one is left wondering what the commotion was all about.
Our subconscious mind stores all memories, anything and everything we have experienced through our entire life. This includes memories of each and very sense, including taste, touch, sight, hearing and emotion. It’s all there filed in an orderly fashion. This means that you have a wealth of resources on which to draw as you focus on your future. Most of us never utilize these assets and continue to see everything as a struggle. If one continues to see things in this way, everything will be a struggle for one always gets what one asks for in the mind’s eye.
As you learn to relax, to let go, and ask for the appropriate resources from the inner bank vault, you can change with a new level of comfort. When you are tense the subconscious mind cannot get your attention, and so you cannot share the bounty. As you learn to relax during actual stress, the stressors will work as catalysts, opening the door of the subconscious mind, and freeing you to work with this powerful part of yourself.
Working with subconscious mind programs will make your management of disorderly eating and addictions much easier. You already know about containments, and since you are more skilled than you were earlier on in this book, this is a good moment to build a few.
Simply relax deeply, tilt your eyes up about twenty degrees. Place a mind movie, perhaps seeing yourself in your containment area and placing an appropriate label on a facet of your disorderly eating. Your inner librarian will take care of the rest. Take an extra moment to study the contents. What does your disorder or addiction look like? Notice some of the VCR programs that you play in relation to this issue. Are they worn out from over-playing? Have you already made some corrections and celebrated them? Always be sure to celebrate both big and small accomplishments. Remember small ones tend to pile up and become very big ones!!
Have a look at your emotional children, noticing they crayons that they are applying to this special containment. Remember, your subconscious mind does not judge. What you play is what you get. This will be subconsciously enhanced for you. When working with your subconscious mind in this way, you can make changes right in the moment if you choose. If there are any emotional visitors or crayons you would like to remove from this containment, please go ahead and do so. Just image yourself completing the action. Your librarian will take care of the rest. You may wonder what you are actually doing. The right brain is very creative and sees this as a re-programming. Whenever the subconscious mind finds your actions in real life being incongruent with subconscious mind programming, the inner programming will win out. You will instantaneously be pulled into heightened awareness and find yourself going towards the behaviors connected to the inner program.
The art of working with mind images is often called imagery or visualization. My word for this is imaginology. I define this as the study of your own imagination or mind creativity. This speaks to the special work you are doing here.
In the practice of imaginology, you see with your mind’s eye. This is very different than seeing with normal sight. Sometimes people report that they can’t see images and become discouraged in working hypnotically. This is simply a matter of communication and understanding of how the tools work and what to expect. Each and every person reading my words is working with imagery.
Whenever you notice an idea or a thought flowing through your mind, this is imagery. Whenever you hear someone telling a story and you form pictures in your mind about it, this is imagery. The reason one has less problems with those examples is that there is little to no efforting. When someone tells you a story they don’t say, “now I want you to see images in your mind as I tell you what happened to me on the way to work.” Images just naturally come to mind. Your job here is to take the efforting out of the process of imagery and imaginology, allowing free flow. It helps to practice, and so in this chapter you will be presented with some skill building exercises. There is no right or wrong way to do this work. It is simply the doing that is important. Your work is to get out of your own way, allowing your subconscious mind to simply take the ball and run with it.
Let’s practice. As your eyes read these words, if you choose, you can easily see your bedroom in your mind. You don’t have to elicit the relaxation response to do that, do you? The image just came forward. Now notice you can see yourself going to that bed and turning back the covers. You can also “mind experience” this and sense your body walking towards your bed and feeling the covers as you turn them back. In another instant you can be in your car, driving down any street. Go ahead and practice seeing yourself driving, and then actually driving. Feel the steering wheel, the seat beneath you, and touch the rear view mirror.
You can then transfer to your office and look for some files, or see yourself doing that. Those are two different kinds of imaginolgy. Next, be in the supermarket choosing all your favorite foods. Feel them as you take them off the shelves. Notice they all feel differently. Now practice seeing yourself participating in an entire supermarket excursion in a few seconds. Don’t you wish it could be like that in real life?
Let’s practice some regression. Take yourself back into your past, replaying anything you choose. You don’t have to go back very far to find your past. It is just on the other side of “now.” Of course, you can go way back if you choose, and in a later chapter you will be working on your time line, going back as well as going forward.
A frequent question is “what is the difference between meditation and visualization?” Meditation clears and concentrates the mind, while visualization or imagery puts an image in it. Both are great change agents and complement each other. Visualization or imaginology refers to our inner movies or VCR tapes. These are at the heart of our mind bio-computer. The human brain programs and self-programs through its images. All skills, and all achievements are acquired through this image-making process. Interactive Awareness and Interactive Self-Hypnosis are high-level consciousness tools that allow stress release, emotional management, subconscious mind re-editing and programming right in the moment.
Building these skills can assist us at all levels of our training and performance whether it be managing sugar addiction or winning at tennis.. Many people feel they are making up the images, rather than seeing them and this is perfectly fine. The mind accepts what is presented to it as truth, so as long as the images are healthy and positive, go with your own creative thoughts.
Here is another skill builder that will enhance your toolbox. Take any simple object, a pen, pencil, cup or similar item will do. Look directly at it until you feel you are quite familiar with it. Close your eyes and imagine you are still looking at it. Open your eyes and look at the object again, and compare it with your mind image. Now close your eyes and do the same. Next, move the object out from where you are observing it, and scan it with your eyes as if it were an external image. Often people expect the inner image to be exactly like the outer image, and judge themselves as being a "poor imager." This is just the ego getting in the way, and the emotional visitors coloring the visualization experience for you. Release them, and go back to your practice knowing that however you image or visualize is absolutely correct. There is no right or wrong. The more you practice, the more understanding you will have of the whole experience and the more real your images will become.
At the bottom of Imaginology - Part 1, you will find the links to the complimentary mp3 download for this part of the Online Workshop.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Imaginology Part 1
"Your subconscious mind programs are valuable assets that can be edited, so truth be known, you are not stuck with what you have stored in the recesses of your mind. Right now, in this very moment, you have this opportunity.".....Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
Suggested CD/mp3's
Visualization & Imagery Workshop
Self-Hypnosis Workshop
Managing Thoughts
It's time for the Workshop participants to dissect their own mind images while learning how to build new ones for planting.
ELIZ: As your perceptions change, so will your outcomes. You are learning to observe your inner mind programming, noticing what is helpful and what is not. You are learning to choose to make changes in small moment fragments, even those these appear small on the surface, for they are also taking you towards your goals. Every thought, every emotion, every expectation is like buying a bus ticket to go there. Heightened awareness is on your tool belt. You are getting better at observing the facets of your larger patterns. You are now seeing the auto-pilot responses you play without thinking, as well as how they are connected to your particular emotions, or those of others in your relationships.
Earlier in this book you had the opportunity to build your personal assessment & so you now have a plan in your pocket telling you where you are, where you want to go, and what you need to get there. If you look at your tool belt, you will notice that you have room for more tools. You can see the nutritional tools, and perhaps you are surprised at how many there are, but feeling confident that you truly understand the directions that accompanied them. You might have already noticed changes already in place, as if someone else was holding the reins. This is the power of interactive self-hypnosis. You can also see your tools for mental biofeedback, emotional management and crayon awareness.
In this section of the book you will receive many advanced mind management tools to help open your subconscious mind, as well as place even more detailed programs into your inner file cabinet. Like all tools, these are meant to be utilized, not to be left on the shelf to get rusty. You already know it's not enough to read about things, simply expecting them to happen. You must take appropriate action, while managing your mind and body connection in order to etch new programs into place. The more skilled you become, the better your outcomes.
Mind tools have been utilized in the practice of medicine for thousands of years and continue to be utilized in top universities of the world. There is even a special area of medicine called psycho-neuro-immunology, PNI for short, that encompasses research in the area of mind and body medicine.
Amy: I have been working with noticing my emotions and especially those that appear during my emotional craving times for sugar. I have improved my food and so the body cravings are much improved. I notice when I get bored or overwhelmed with work I think about eating junk. This is also a problem for me in the evenings when I’m finally finished with cleaning up and the children are in bed. I find it amazing how the same emotions come to find me at the same time every day. Will this ever change?
Interactive awareness allows us to see tremendous detail in the moment. The more you stay in the position of producer/director, the more you will see. You can even ask for the scene to be replayed in slow motion. Relax deeply before doing this, so your focus will enhance at a lower brain wave speed. Even though you are looking to change things, don’t allow your compulsive desires to push you around in this important moment. The deeper you go into your observation mode, the more powerful the change program will be once you place it. Be patient. Everything you need to know is coming to you, but in small spoonfuls. This is the way to the knowledge hooks.
Imagery, or the thoughts you play in your mind are everything. They are the crux of how you experience your body, your environment, your relationship to yourself , your relationship to others, as well as your spiritual life. You image continually like a VCR that is never turned off. Unfortunately, the most common imagery consists of negative, non-trusting, insecure, failure-orientated, worrisome, highly judgmental inner radio and visuals. These images are often followed by behaviors that match the program blueprints, thereby reinforcing the negative mind programs. You are now in the processes of exploring change and transforming your own existing images into ones that form the basis for managing your disorderly eating, your addiction, or any other problems and taking you away from optimum health and performance.
Take a mini-mind break, allowing your body to sink into the chair where you are resting, perhaps yawning deeply, allowing a blue mist to encircle you, encouraging all stress and the need to rush through this material to exit the ends of your fingers. See yourself on your mind screen taking in small spoonfuls on powerful information designed to change your life in so many ways. Observe the words you have just read sinking into the library of your mind, like rain being absorbed into a road surface on a hot summer day. Allow your body to enjoy the blue mist for another moment and then continue with the next hook.
Until recently hypnosis has been viewed by the general public as a mysterious technique performed by people with strange skills and special powers. The truth of the matter is that there is nothing mystical or magical about hypnosis. It is simply a state of very deep relaxation and quiet focus. Emotions are put to sleep and awareness is heightened. It is a state of consciousness that we enter naturally, commonly known as automatic-pilot or daydreaming.
Hypnosis is not something someone does to you. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis. In this book you have already practiced various levels of deepening or trance for specific purposes or mind exercises. You have been programming your mind for change from the first page forward.
Interactive self-hypnosis is a health tool, perfect for changing lifestyle behaviors, managing addiction, disorderly eating, bringing any and all performance to the highest levels. It allows the healing of both mind and body from the stresses of life while inviting acceleration of learning and goal achievement beyond usual expectation.
Your subconscious mind is a like a vast library with an infinite number of selections stored. It has an instant retrieval system and an endlessly cross-referenced subject catalog. You might like to image it as your personal VCR, knowing whatever tapes you place there, becomes your goal, and your subconscious mind librarian will go to find any and all cross-references to assist you in achieving this goal. This is great if you are playing a positive goal image, but what about if you are playing a negative goal image? You’ve already had some practice with identifying these in the chapters on Interactive Awareness and Emotional Management exercises, but now it is time to get even better at subconscious mind programming.
Visualizing negative outcomes or memories can stir up anxiety or depression. Besides the images or visualization, it is not uncommon to speak internally to yourself in quite critical ways. During the “practice” of putting oneself down, the individual is essentially in a light trance state, preoccupied and internally focused. You guessed it! A negative self-hypnotic program is busy being etched right into the subconscious mind and becoming a goal.
Later on you will be learning that during the programming of the subconscious mind for success, you can request the inner librarian to make you aware of any unproductive emotional states and corresponding behaviors, so you can change them right in the moment. It’s like being on a bus going towards your goal when all of a sudden you realize that you are on the wrong bus. Of course you are going to want to change right then and there, and not an hour later!
There are many mp3/CD programs to help you organize & activate your life. Interactive Self-Hypnosis gives you the opportunity to "tweak" your own mind & to move forward at faster speeds. We tend to utilize less than 2% of our potential, so why not delve into your "inner bank account?"
Here is a complimentary session for you to experience. The name of the program is Inviting Change Utilizing Interactive Self-Hypnosis. This particular program offers 3 sessions. You can download it by clicking on the link. Here's a short description:
Inner Organization #4005
This program is designed to assist the listener in utilizing powerful imagery & affirmations for developing a new improved mindset of inner & outer organization. We have many possessions & collections. Some are tangible, those we can touch & hold, & those intangibles, such as moments in time. As you learn to work with this particular mindset of organization you will clearly image these valuable collections. You will also become aware of the dis-organizers, the "collection value snatchers." As you learn to spot their arrival you have the choice to diminish them.
Suggested CD/mp3's
Visualization & Imagery Workshop
Self-Hypnosis Workshop
Managing Thoughts
It's time for the Workshop participants to dissect their own mind images while learning how to build new ones for planting.
ELIZ: As your perceptions change, so will your outcomes. You are learning to observe your inner mind programming, noticing what is helpful and what is not. You are learning to choose to make changes in small moment fragments, even those these appear small on the surface, for they are also taking you towards your goals. Every thought, every emotion, every expectation is like buying a bus ticket to go there. Heightened awareness is on your tool belt. You are getting better at observing the facets of your larger patterns. You are now seeing the auto-pilot responses you play without thinking, as well as how they are connected to your particular emotions, or those of others in your relationships.
Earlier in this book you had the opportunity to build your personal assessment & so you now have a plan in your pocket telling you where you are, where you want to go, and what you need to get there. If you look at your tool belt, you will notice that you have room for more tools. You can see the nutritional tools, and perhaps you are surprised at how many there are, but feeling confident that you truly understand the directions that accompanied them. You might have already noticed changes already in place, as if someone else was holding the reins. This is the power of interactive self-hypnosis. You can also see your tools for mental biofeedback, emotional management and crayon awareness.
In this section of the book you will receive many advanced mind management tools to help open your subconscious mind, as well as place even more detailed programs into your inner file cabinet. Like all tools, these are meant to be utilized, not to be left on the shelf to get rusty. You already know it's not enough to read about things, simply expecting them to happen. You must take appropriate action, while managing your mind and body connection in order to etch new programs into place. The more skilled you become, the better your outcomes.
Mind tools have been utilized in the practice of medicine for thousands of years and continue to be utilized in top universities of the world. There is even a special area of medicine called psycho-neuro-immunology, PNI for short, that encompasses research in the area of mind and body medicine.
Amy: I have been working with noticing my emotions and especially those that appear during my emotional craving times for sugar. I have improved my food and so the body cravings are much improved. I notice when I get bored or overwhelmed with work I think about eating junk. This is also a problem for me in the evenings when I’m finally finished with cleaning up and the children are in bed. I find it amazing how the same emotions come to find me at the same time every day. Will this ever change?
Interactive awareness allows us to see tremendous detail in the moment. The more you stay in the position of producer/director, the more you will see. You can even ask for the scene to be replayed in slow motion. Relax deeply before doing this, so your focus will enhance at a lower brain wave speed. Even though you are looking to change things, don’t allow your compulsive desires to push you around in this important moment. The deeper you go into your observation mode, the more powerful the change program will be once you place it. Be patient. Everything you need to know is coming to you, but in small spoonfuls. This is the way to the knowledge hooks.
Imagery, or the thoughts you play in your mind are everything. They are the crux of how you experience your body, your environment, your relationship to yourself , your relationship to others, as well as your spiritual life. You image continually like a VCR that is never turned off. Unfortunately, the most common imagery consists of negative, non-trusting, insecure, failure-orientated, worrisome, highly judgmental inner radio and visuals. These images are often followed by behaviors that match the program blueprints, thereby reinforcing the negative mind programs. You are now in the processes of exploring change and transforming your own existing images into ones that form the basis for managing your disorderly eating, your addiction, or any other problems and taking you away from optimum health and performance.
Take a mini-mind break, allowing your body to sink into the chair where you are resting, perhaps yawning deeply, allowing a blue mist to encircle you, encouraging all stress and the need to rush through this material to exit the ends of your fingers. See yourself on your mind screen taking in small spoonfuls on powerful information designed to change your life in so many ways. Observe the words you have just read sinking into the library of your mind, like rain being absorbed into a road surface on a hot summer day. Allow your body to enjoy the blue mist for another moment and then continue with the next hook.
Until recently hypnosis has been viewed by the general public as a mysterious technique performed by people with strange skills and special powers. The truth of the matter is that there is nothing mystical or magical about hypnosis. It is simply a state of very deep relaxation and quiet focus. Emotions are put to sleep and awareness is heightened. It is a state of consciousness that we enter naturally, commonly known as automatic-pilot or daydreaming.
Hypnosis is not something someone does to you. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis. In this book you have already practiced various levels of deepening or trance for specific purposes or mind exercises. You have been programming your mind for change from the first page forward.
Interactive self-hypnosis is a health tool, perfect for changing lifestyle behaviors, managing addiction, disorderly eating, bringing any and all performance to the highest levels. It allows the healing of both mind and body from the stresses of life while inviting acceleration of learning and goal achievement beyond usual expectation.
Your subconscious mind is a like a vast library with an infinite number of selections stored. It has an instant retrieval system and an endlessly cross-referenced subject catalog. You might like to image it as your personal VCR, knowing whatever tapes you place there, becomes your goal, and your subconscious mind librarian will go to find any and all cross-references to assist you in achieving this goal. This is great if you are playing a positive goal image, but what about if you are playing a negative goal image? You’ve already had some practice with identifying these in the chapters on Interactive Awareness and Emotional Management exercises, but now it is time to get even better at subconscious mind programming.
Visualizing negative outcomes or memories can stir up anxiety or depression. Besides the images or visualization, it is not uncommon to speak internally to yourself in quite critical ways. During the “practice” of putting oneself down, the individual is essentially in a light trance state, preoccupied and internally focused. You guessed it! A negative self-hypnotic program is busy being etched right into the subconscious mind and becoming a goal.
Later on you will be learning that during the programming of the subconscious mind for success, you can request the inner librarian to make you aware of any unproductive emotional states and corresponding behaviors, so you can change them right in the moment. It’s like being on a bus going towards your goal when all of a sudden you realize that you are on the wrong bus. Of course you are going to want to change right then and there, and not an hour later!
There are many mp3/CD programs to help you organize & activate your life. Interactive Self-Hypnosis gives you the opportunity to "tweak" your own mind & to move forward at faster speeds. We tend to utilize less than 2% of our potential, so why not delve into your "inner bank account?"
Here is a complimentary session for you to experience. The name of the program is Inviting Change Utilizing Interactive Self-Hypnosis. This particular program offers 3 sessions. You can download it by clicking on the link. Here's a short description:
Inner Organization #4005
This program is designed to assist the listener in utilizing powerful imagery & affirmations for developing a new improved mindset of inner & outer organization. We have many possessions & collections. Some are tangible, those we can touch & hold, & those intangibles, such as moments in time. As you learn to work with this particular mindset of organization you will clearly image these valuable collections. You will also become aware of the dis-organizers, the "collection value snatchers." As you learn to spot their arrival you have the choice to diminish them.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Working with Mind Pods
"The more detailed your self-discipline, the higher your level of success. Appreciate that you are totally responsible for your level of inner & outer organization & so the best idea is for you to begin to fall in love with it."...… Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
The Workshop Participants have questions about moving into "change" on a daily basis & how to move past procrastination.
CD/mp3 Suggestions
Moving Out of Procrastination
The Life University Part 1 & 2
Inner Organization - Imagery
Inner Organization - Affirmations
ELIZ: Each morning you wake up to your daily life. Most of your activities will be on automatic pilot. You might not even remember doing some things, such as brushing your teeth, drinking your coffee or driving to work. Automatic pilot is a trance state that can be very useful for what is considered the habitual activities of life. After all, it would be exhausting to be aware of each and every moment that transpires.
As one goes through life many new activities are placed on automatic pilot as their level of proficiency is raised. Learning to drive a car is a good example. In the beginning the student driver is hyper-aware of all aspects of driving. Once experience sets in, the driver may not be aware of driving from point A to point B. Of course, the subconscious mind is programmed to awaken the individual if danger is noted, or if the journey becomes rough for some reason. Perhaps new information or direction is needed.
Sometimes we forget to review habits, leaving them in their original automatic pilot mind file. It is a good idea to review these files, even before wake-up calls. This is a form of prevention, keeping free of many complications. Not paying attention to automatic pilot files can get you into trouble, especially if new information is needed or if the direction is off-course. Keep in mind that habits are re-etched in the subconscious mind each and every time they are performed. Some are very deeply ingrained, perhaps originating in early childhood. Some habits are triggered by emotional crayons, often as stress releasers, even if they are unhealthy. Smoking, sugar, food addiction, bingeing and alcohol fall into this habit category. If you think about how others manage stress, you will find things such as compulsive gambling and shopping to name a few.
It is especially important to review habits, especially those that are related to health outcomes. Once you begin to look in a focused way, many will come to your attention. Some may appear innocent, even silly, but that is an illusion. Take flossing your teeth for example. If a person does not pay attention to consistently flossing well, not only can teeth be lost, but the ongoing, often sub-clinical infections can lead to serious and even life-threatening diseases.
There is an additional benefit to paying attention to already formulated automatic pilot programs. They have self-discipline already ingrained through the continuous etching or repeating of the habit. Ingrained self-discipline is like gold waiting to be discovered, asking to be utilized in a creative way. You are now ready to capture this gold through the use of Pods. Pods are very special interactive self-hypnotic images that encourage the subconscious mind to participate in your life self-discipline.
Pods are like rooms that hold the particular discipline or activity. These can be automatic pilot activities or those that are especially important for initiating a lifestyle change, or for enhancing health and performance. They are particularly important for the management of disorderly eating and addictions. Health and performance Pods can include breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner, teeth care, exercise, water, meditation. When you set and work with a Pod, the subconscious mind sees this as a very important focus and will work in a creative manner within the Pod. The inner mind will help program the mind for change, bringing forth details that might have slipped through the cracks. The subconscious will also make creative suggestions, some of which can be very serendipitous.
When Pods are properly set up for daily discipline, other areas of life will become disciplined as well, just as if the Pods were acting as role-models or active mentors for these other areas. Other activities seem to jump in between the daily discipline Pods, appearing to organize themselves in the same way as the neighboring Pods.
It is important to understand that the day is only "so long." The number of hours dedicated to awake activity are also limited. Most people build high levels of stress because they have too much scheduled, their "to-do list" is not properly constructed or both. It's not uncommon for someone to sit down with the daily to-do list and then to begin major procrastination. Some people read their list with an unfocused mind. Their eyes do the seeing, but the mind is simply not in residence at the same time. Goals that are not clearly defined or actively motivated seem to stay on shelves forever, leaving many wonderful and prosperous opportunities sitting lost in the shelf-dust. However, once the daily self-discipline Pods get going, they can dust off those lost gifts, working to bring them forward in new ways.
While everyone's Pods will be different, I highly suggest that you place your most important lifestyle needs in place on a time-line. Some of those suggestions are listed above. While self-hypnosis is known as “mind work”, it is also reinforced by written work, such as journaling, list making or the drawing of simple images. Relax deeply into the chair where you are sitting with your journal in front of you. Draw a straight line & place some pod-like structures on that line, representing the different areas of your life. I suggest you color them so they a better defined for your subconscious mind..
Once the Pods are in place, it's important to know how to work with them in order to creatively activate the subconscious mind. Place some affirmations such as “the day is only this long”…”I sit in stillness before entering my pod”….”I program my pods from my mind screen…”
Take a moment to relax deeply. Remember, you want to slow your brain waves, turning off and releasing all stress chemicals. This is centering, making yourself ready for new mind programming.
Outside each Pod is a chair. I ask you to sit in the chair, inviting stillness to enter your mind and body. There are many ways to do this. A simple technique is to breathe from your lower belly, just as if it contained a balloon of any color you desire. I like to sense my body being gently pulled down by magnets. It is perfectly fine to be standing instead of sitting. The chair is simply a metaphor for centering before entering the Pod Room. I also like to enhance my centering by imaging a golden egg surrounding my entire body. As I tilt my eyes up about twenty degrees, I locate my mind screen. This is where I will communicate with my Inner Coach.
There are many different ways for me to communicate. I can choose images or place words or simply think word-thoughts or combine both. I can ask questions or ask for what I would like or need. I always communicate "as if " I already had what I wanted ", perhaps want to know more about it or how I obtained it. When working with daily self-discipline Pods, I might ask my subconscious mind how to make these better or how to highly motivate them. This works especially well when looking to re-program behaviors that are highly etched, such as disorderly eating or addictions.
Think of each Pod as a separate room that is only about the specific activity of choice. Everything in that room is related. While you will be familiar with many of the things in the Pod Room, there will be other things that are new to you, some of which you may not even be able to see clearly right now. You can also enter Pod Rooms just in the theater of your mind. This is especially useful when looking to highly create or to rehabilitate in a particular area that has been problematic in the past. Simply take some time to wander about, investigating whatever interests you. Allow your intuition to play out.
There are many mp3/CD programs to help you organize & activate your life. Interactive Self-Hypnosis gives you the opportunity to "tweak" your own mind & to move forward at faster speeds. We tend to utilize less than 2% of our potential, so why not delve into your "inner bank account?"
Here is a complimentary session for you to experience. The name of the program is Inviting Change Utilizing Interactive Self-Hypnosis. This particular program offers 3 sessions. You can download it by clicking on the link. Here's a short description:
Inner Organization #4005
This program is designed to assist the listener in utilizing powerful imagery & affirmations for developing a new improved mindset of inner & outer organization. We have many possessions & collections. Some are tangible, those we can touch & hold, & those intangibles, such as moments in time. As you learn to work with this particular mindset of organization you will clearly image these valuable collections. You will also become aware of the dis-organizers, the "collection value snatchers." As you learn to spot their arrival you have the choice to diminish them.
The Workshop Participants have questions about moving into "change" on a daily basis & how to move past procrastination.
CD/mp3 Suggestions
Moving Out of Procrastination
The Life University Part 1 & 2
Inner Organization - Imagery
Inner Organization - Affirmations
ELIZ: Each morning you wake up to your daily life. Most of your activities will be on automatic pilot. You might not even remember doing some things, such as brushing your teeth, drinking your coffee or driving to work. Automatic pilot is a trance state that can be very useful for what is considered the habitual activities of life. After all, it would be exhausting to be aware of each and every moment that transpires.
As one goes through life many new activities are placed on automatic pilot as their level of proficiency is raised. Learning to drive a car is a good example. In the beginning the student driver is hyper-aware of all aspects of driving. Once experience sets in, the driver may not be aware of driving from point A to point B. Of course, the subconscious mind is programmed to awaken the individual if danger is noted, or if the journey becomes rough for some reason. Perhaps new information or direction is needed.
Sometimes we forget to review habits, leaving them in their original automatic pilot mind file. It is a good idea to review these files, even before wake-up calls. This is a form of prevention, keeping free of many complications. Not paying attention to automatic pilot files can get you into trouble, especially if new information is needed or if the direction is off-course. Keep in mind that habits are re-etched in the subconscious mind each and every time they are performed. Some are very deeply ingrained, perhaps originating in early childhood. Some habits are triggered by emotional crayons, often as stress releasers, even if they are unhealthy. Smoking, sugar, food addiction, bingeing and alcohol fall into this habit category. If you think about how others manage stress, you will find things such as compulsive gambling and shopping to name a few.
It is especially important to review habits, especially those that are related to health outcomes. Once you begin to look in a focused way, many will come to your attention. Some may appear innocent, even silly, but that is an illusion. Take flossing your teeth for example. If a person does not pay attention to consistently flossing well, not only can teeth be lost, but the ongoing, often sub-clinical infections can lead to serious and even life-threatening diseases.
There is an additional benefit to paying attention to already formulated automatic pilot programs. They have self-discipline already ingrained through the continuous etching or repeating of the habit. Ingrained self-discipline is like gold waiting to be discovered, asking to be utilized in a creative way. You are now ready to capture this gold through the use of Pods. Pods are very special interactive self-hypnotic images that encourage the subconscious mind to participate in your life self-discipline.
Pods are like rooms that hold the particular discipline or activity. These can be automatic pilot activities or those that are especially important for initiating a lifestyle change, or for enhancing health and performance. They are particularly important for the management of disorderly eating and addictions. Health and performance Pods can include breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner, teeth care, exercise, water, meditation. When you set and work with a Pod, the subconscious mind sees this as a very important focus and will work in a creative manner within the Pod. The inner mind will help program the mind for change, bringing forth details that might have slipped through the cracks. The subconscious will also make creative suggestions, some of which can be very serendipitous.
When Pods are properly set up for daily discipline, other areas of life will become disciplined as well, just as if the Pods were acting as role-models or active mentors for these other areas. Other activities seem to jump in between the daily discipline Pods, appearing to organize themselves in the same way as the neighboring Pods.
It is important to understand that the day is only "so long." The number of hours dedicated to awake activity are also limited. Most people build high levels of stress because they have too much scheduled, their "to-do list" is not properly constructed or both. It's not uncommon for someone to sit down with the daily to-do list and then to begin major procrastination. Some people read their list with an unfocused mind. Their eyes do the seeing, but the mind is simply not in residence at the same time. Goals that are not clearly defined or actively motivated seem to stay on shelves forever, leaving many wonderful and prosperous opportunities sitting lost in the shelf-dust. However, once the daily self-discipline Pods get going, they can dust off those lost gifts, working to bring them forward in new ways.
While everyone's Pods will be different, I highly suggest that you place your most important lifestyle needs in place on a time-line. Some of those suggestions are listed above. While self-hypnosis is known as “mind work”, it is also reinforced by written work, such as journaling, list making or the drawing of simple images. Relax deeply into the chair where you are sitting with your journal in front of you. Draw a straight line & place some pod-like structures on that line, representing the different areas of your life. I suggest you color them so they a better defined for your subconscious mind..
Once the Pods are in place, it's important to know how to work with them in order to creatively activate the subconscious mind. Place some affirmations such as “the day is only this long”…”I sit in stillness before entering my pod”….”I program my pods from my mind screen…”
Take a moment to relax deeply. Remember, you want to slow your brain waves, turning off and releasing all stress chemicals. This is centering, making yourself ready for new mind programming.
Outside each Pod is a chair. I ask you to sit in the chair, inviting stillness to enter your mind and body. There are many ways to do this. A simple technique is to breathe from your lower belly, just as if it contained a balloon of any color you desire. I like to sense my body being gently pulled down by magnets. It is perfectly fine to be standing instead of sitting. The chair is simply a metaphor for centering before entering the Pod Room. I also like to enhance my centering by imaging a golden egg surrounding my entire body. As I tilt my eyes up about twenty degrees, I locate my mind screen. This is where I will communicate with my Inner Coach.
There are many different ways for me to communicate. I can choose images or place words or simply think word-thoughts or combine both. I can ask questions or ask for what I would like or need. I always communicate "as if " I already had what I wanted ", perhaps want to know more about it or how I obtained it. When working with daily self-discipline Pods, I might ask my subconscious mind how to make these better or how to highly motivate them. This works especially well when looking to re-program behaviors that are highly etched, such as disorderly eating or addictions.
Think of each Pod as a separate room that is only about the specific activity of choice. Everything in that room is related. While you will be familiar with many of the things in the Pod Room, there will be other things that are new to you, some of which you may not even be able to see clearly right now. You can also enter Pod Rooms just in the theater of your mind. This is especially useful when looking to highly create or to rehabilitate in a particular area that has been problematic in the past. Simply take some time to wander about, investigating whatever interests you. Allow your intuition to play out.
There are many mp3/CD programs to help you organize & activate your life. Interactive Self-Hypnosis gives you the opportunity to "tweak" your own mind & to move forward at faster speeds. We tend to utilize less than 2% of our potential, so why not delve into your "inner bank account?"
Here is a complimentary session for you to experience. The name of the program is Inviting Change Utilizing Interactive Self-Hypnosis. This particular program offers 3 sessions. You can download it by clicking on the link. Here's a short description:
Inner Organization #4005
This program is designed to assist the listener in utilizing powerful imagery & affirmations for developing a new improved mindset of inner & outer organization. We have many possessions & collections. Some are tangible, those we can touch & hold, & those intangibles, such as moments in time. As you learn to work with this particular mindset of organization you will clearly image these valuable collections. You will also become aware of the dis-organizers, the "collection value snatchers." As you learn to spot their arrival you have the choice to diminish them.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Parading Priorities
My successful living lies in my ability to put first things first. I do not place second things first. My priorities are numbered in my mind's eye and present themselves as such.... Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
The Workshop group is working with affirmation clusters, similar to those found in my books & CD/mp3 programs. These mini-mind programs can be planted and then etched in the moment. Even though the programs are small, they deal with big, everyday issues.
Affirmations for Inner Organization
Affirmations for Time Management
Affirmations for Enhancing Self-Image
Affirmations for Enhancing Decision Making
Our mp3 programs are available on our websites, as well as from other major mp3 bookstores around the world. To locate these, simply search for mp3 titles by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht.
ELIZ: Today I've been thinking about different aspects of time management including keeping priorities in the the forefront and keeping them moving. I've always been interested in priorities and why some of us set them, and others don't bother. In my private practice, I've noticed that priorities tend to be vague, lacking definition and therefore motivation. Clients describe them as lurkers or background noise, almost bothersome. It's like they carry guilt, because people find it difficult to stay with for any length of time. In fact, when I work to set priorities with my clients before placing them hypnotically, they often balk.
Time management and priority setting is crucial, not only for success, but for health. When there is a lack of internal order, stress levels rise. Daily pressures are responsible for 60-90% of disease-states. Relationships, both with significant others, including children, are often marred by negative stress. Even the dog suffers. Actually, there is nothing good to be said for it.
Here are some frequent questions.... Even if we could stick with our priorities, what about the rest of our life tasks...the things that aren't really priorities, like cleaning closets. After all, life is a busy place where we're continually chased by our to-do lists. And what about creativity? When is this supposed to happen? Is there truly any way to win without being killed by life itself?
Affirmation clusters can help here. Mind programs are like having an internal coach or assistant who is always present, keeping you on course, making suggestions for going towards programmed goals. Priorities work best as programmed goals. As I design and record my CD's, mp3's and books, I like to plant active affirmations such as these. Readers and listeners are often surprised as to how easy it is to change their mind programs. Interactive self-hypnosis is much more like play than work.
We always begin by reading the affirmational cluster out loud or slowly to ourselves. Prepare to spend some "real time" with yourself. Planting on the fly is not the way to go.
My successful living lies in my ability to put first things first. I do not place second things first. My priorities are numbered in my mind's eye and present themselves as such....
Remember, before planting affirmations, it is important to decide what it is that you want. Today it's about your priorities. These may change day by day, so keep that it mind. If you don't know what your priorities are, or if you not used to thinking this way, then this is a good time to start.
We always begin by relaxing deeply into the moment and quieting the thoughts. Take a deep yawn breath in from the bottom of your feet, holding it in your mouth for the count of four. When four arrives, allow the breath to exit the valves located on the end of your fingers. Sense your body sinking into the chair where you are resting. After you read this, then close your eyes gently, tilting them up about twenty degrees. Your mind screen is located behind your closed lids. This is where you will be programming your mind for what you want. Not to worry if you have difficulty visualizing. Simply think clearly and your subconscious mind will activate the programs for you.
I'm going to give you a general metaphor for the affirmation cluster. If your mind would like to utilize a different one, that is absolutely fine. When I'm prioritizing I like the image of a parade. This image lends itself to organization and order. The subconscious mind is now programmed for this. Next, if you have decided on your priorities, see/think them as groups of marchers and line them up in the order of importance. If this is not clear to you, ask your subconscious mind to help you. Sometimes we cannot commit to a priority because there are mind-blocks.
For example, I was working with a new client who obviously was over-weight. However, weight loss was not a priority for her, the reason being that she doesn't want to give up eating junk and prefers not to exercise because it's boring. When her subconscious mind was asked to order her parade groups, much to her chagrin, the need to lose weight group came right to the front!
Once the priorities are in parade formation, the drum major will blow the whistle and forward march. All parts of each priority are organized, motivated and going forward with positive energy. You might even hear the music playing in the background. The mind program is now in place.
As you go through your day, the parade will be present in the back of your mind, leading your thoughts and actions. You now know what you are about, as well as what comes first and what comes second.
If you enjoy working in this particular area, you might like to order any of the affirmation or imagery programs that focus on innr organization or time management.
The past issues of this blog can be found below. Other segments are stored in the following separate blog. For those of you who would like to practice Interactive Self-Hypnosis, there is always a complimentary mp3 sitting on my website.
The Workshop group is working with affirmation clusters, similar to those found in my books & CD/mp3 programs. These mini-mind programs can be planted and then etched in the moment. Even though the programs are small, they deal with big, everyday issues.
Affirmations for Inner Organization
Affirmations for Time Management
Affirmations for Enhancing Self-Image
Affirmations for Enhancing Decision Making
Our mp3 programs are available on our websites, as well as from other major mp3 bookstores around the world. To locate these, simply search for mp3 titles by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht.
ELIZ: Today I've been thinking about different aspects of time management including keeping priorities in the the forefront and keeping them moving. I've always been interested in priorities and why some of us set them, and others don't bother. In my private practice, I've noticed that priorities tend to be vague, lacking definition and therefore motivation. Clients describe them as lurkers or background noise, almost bothersome. It's like they carry guilt, because people find it difficult to stay with for any length of time. In fact, when I work to set priorities with my clients before placing them hypnotically, they often balk.
Time management and priority setting is crucial, not only for success, but for health. When there is a lack of internal order, stress levels rise. Daily pressures are responsible for 60-90% of disease-states. Relationships, both with significant others, including children, are often marred by negative stress. Even the dog suffers. Actually, there is nothing good to be said for it.
Here are some frequent questions.... Even if we could stick with our priorities, what about the rest of our life tasks...the things that aren't really priorities, like cleaning closets. After all, life is a busy place where we're continually chased by our to-do lists. And what about creativity? When is this supposed to happen? Is there truly any way to win without being killed by life itself?
Affirmation clusters can help here. Mind programs are like having an internal coach or assistant who is always present, keeping you on course, making suggestions for going towards programmed goals. Priorities work best as programmed goals. As I design and record my CD's, mp3's and books, I like to plant active affirmations such as these. Readers and listeners are often surprised as to how easy it is to change their mind programs. Interactive self-hypnosis is much more like play than work.
We always begin by reading the affirmational cluster out loud or slowly to ourselves. Prepare to spend some "real time" with yourself. Planting on the fly is not the way to go.
My successful living lies in my ability to put first things first. I do not place second things first. My priorities are numbered in my mind's eye and present themselves as such....
Remember, before planting affirmations, it is important to decide what it is that you want. Today it's about your priorities. These may change day by day, so keep that it mind. If you don't know what your priorities are, or if you not used to thinking this way, then this is a good time to start.
We always begin by relaxing deeply into the moment and quieting the thoughts. Take a deep yawn breath in from the bottom of your feet, holding it in your mouth for the count of four. When four arrives, allow the breath to exit the valves located on the end of your fingers. Sense your body sinking into the chair where you are resting. After you read this, then close your eyes gently, tilting them up about twenty degrees. Your mind screen is located behind your closed lids. This is where you will be programming your mind for what you want. Not to worry if you have difficulty visualizing. Simply think clearly and your subconscious mind will activate the programs for you.
I'm going to give you a general metaphor for the affirmation cluster. If your mind would like to utilize a different one, that is absolutely fine. When I'm prioritizing I like the image of a parade. This image lends itself to organization and order. The subconscious mind is now programmed for this. Next, if you have decided on your priorities, see/think them as groups of marchers and line them up in the order of importance. If this is not clear to you, ask your subconscious mind to help you. Sometimes we cannot commit to a priority because there are mind-blocks.
For example, I was working with a new client who obviously was over-weight. However, weight loss was not a priority for her, the reason being that she doesn't want to give up eating junk and prefers not to exercise because it's boring. When her subconscious mind was asked to order her parade groups, much to her chagrin, the need to lose weight group came right to the front!
Once the priorities are in parade formation, the drum major will blow the whistle and forward march. All parts of each priority are organized, motivated and going forward with positive energy. You might even hear the music playing in the background. The mind program is now in place.
As you go through your day, the parade will be present in the back of your mind, leading your thoughts and actions. You now know what you are about, as well as what comes first and what comes second.
If you enjoy working in this particular area, you might like to order any of the affirmation or imagery programs that focus on innr organization or time management.
The past issues of this blog can be found below. Other segments are stored in the following separate blog. For those of you who would like to practice Interactive Self-Hypnosis, there is always a complimentary mp3 sitting on my website.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
The Art of Progressing
Progress begins one step at a time, each step being motivated by the step before it & then motivating the step behind it… Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
CD/mp3 Suggestions
Motivation for Weight Loss
Enhancing Self-Discipline
Becoming Aware
Inside the Online Workshop the participants are having a discussion about staying with a healthy lifestyle change program. There are many concerns, especially because there as been lots of failure. While the focus here is weight management, the specific awareness & techniques apply to all areas of life. What's also interesting, when working with the tools of Interactive Self-Hypnosis, a change in one area is carried over to other areas. For example, when lifestyle changes are applied to the nutritional areas of life, it's much easier to make changes in relationships & even habits, such as nail biting, that seemed impossible to change in the past.
Here's a snapshot of the focus & self-hypnotic approach...
When learning to manage weight, either for loss or maintenance, the very first step is spend sufficient time in fully understanding & believing in the specific eating discipline you have decided to follow. This means going beyond just reading a book or following someone else's lead. Keep in mind that everyone is different & comes to their current moment of awakening from a different family & personal medical history & from different life experiences.
Along the way we have developed both talents & negative programs. We all have specific strengths & weaknesses, as well as beliefs about ourselves. And so, we live in a completely different world from our office mates & even from our family members. While it may appear that we are much the same, this is only a surface view & a far cry from what is our true nature & reality. Of course we can listen & learn from others, but it is important to learn to trust one's own intuition & inner guidance system.
It's simply not enough to know that you must lose weight or even to want to lose weight. You must truly believe this in the core of your being. It's important to know that one's convictions & hot desire to achieve is the primary inner motivator that takes one through any & all obstacles go hand in hand. Without deep belief & hot desire in place, the self is easily persuaded to wander off track & to look elsewhere.....window shopping in the world of weight loss & management, like roaming the mall of life.
This is twirling behavior & it is easily observed in our culture. Twirling is a compulsive behavior & is actually part of disordered eating. Twirlers move from one program to another, looking for the problems to be solved easily & outwardly. There is usually lack of total engagement, often right from the beginning & excuses are easy to come by. The time spent in the new program closely follows those of the past. Some twirlers simply purchase the program & never engage at all, as if the program was going to do something all by itself to bring forth the needed change.
I find twirlers in my private hypnosis practice. They present themselves by resisting to take part in the process. They believe that all they have to do is to close their eyes & go to sleep. All changes will be in place as they open their eyes. Wow ! Now while that might sound good, it truly isn't good at all for all disordered eaters have underlying issues that are best brought forward & self-managed. This is the self-esteem connection & the actual eating issues become catalysts for major change in all areas. Think about what would be missed if I were a hypnotic magician?
Once you have planted your beliefs & convictions, it's time to get on with the specifics of your eating discipline program. I suggest that you read & underline all pertinent information in whatever material you are utilizing & then work it into a very specific plan before beginning to weave it into the fabric of your life.
Be simplistic here. Write it down. Know exactly what you will be eating & when you will be eating it. Also be clear about what you will not be doing. This is the time to get very specific, but do stick to the bigger problematic issues. If night eating is big for you, be sure to address it, but if it only happens occasionally, let it go for now. Even if you fall into that hole, you'll still be right with the major parts of your program.
Now you are ready to begin some etching. It's quite easy to do this. Take some time for yourself, making certain you will not be interrupted.
Have your writing work on your lap. Relax deeply & enjoy just be still, both inside & out. Now close your eyes gently & tilt them up about twenty degrees. Right in front of you is your programming mind screen. Just as if you were playing a movie, take yourself slowly through your day as you observe yourself implement the changes that you have outlined.
The programming mind screen enables you to see, hear & feel the scenes as they play out. Practice noticing what it's like as you wake up in the morning & review your day with the new changes. Keep an eye out for any resistance or inner child negative thought remarks. Don't turn your back on these! These are gifts from your subconscious mind who is showing you clear obstructions that need to be tamed & re-programmed.
Take your time as you explore your new changes in different scenes....... the more you review, the better your mind programs will be etched.
Image yourself as the writer, director, producer of this "day in your life" program. Design it as you want it to be & energize it with hot desire. Truly see it & sense it. A good way to do this is to pretend that you are telling someone about this great moment in time. Tell your story with great enthusiasm & excitement. This is true inner motivation & very powerful. As you become better at defining your inner thoughts & pictures, you will be able to greatly enhance the levels of your beliefs & plug into high energy..
Next, write down exactly what you have to do to activate your new plan & when you will do these. Confirm a date for the launching. You are now ready to plant both the program & the detailed planning very deeply into the subconscious mind. The goal is to etch it very deeply into the inner library, so it will play on cue like a powerful inner CD.
As before, take quiet time for yourself & have your written work on your lap. Breathe deeply & allow your body to sink into the chair where you are resting & bring the mind screen into place behind your closed & slightly tilted eyelids. Actively image yourself experiencing the plans AS IF they had been in place for a good period of time.
In other words, they are not imaged as being awkwardly new, with rough spots . Instead, they are an already formed, smooth pattern. This is not to say that you will not notice resistance, because you might. Once again, these are gifts & so go ahead as the writer, director & producer & work out the kinks here.
Take yourself through the variety of plans even if they involve activities that occur on different days such as shopping, picking up the kids, bridge games, etc. These are all part of the major plan for long term success.
It's not uncommon for many people to miss these first steps & by doing so to set themselves up for failure either right in the beginning or somewhere down the road. When you know what needs to be done & you can examine it subconsciously, the answers will present themselves to you. There is little, if any struggle.
Remember that even when following one of the popular weight loss programs, it's simply not enough to read the book. Books are filled with details that need to be implemented over a long period of time. These details need to be introduced & then organized into the current "programmed" lifestyle. Old habits & behaviors may need to be revised or even deleted.
Keep in mind that some of the changes will effect other family members, some in ways that aren't even clear because they are harbored down in the subconscious mind. So it truly helpful to work out some of these snags before they occur. This will allow for smoother transitions & hopefully avoid triggering other snags. Good etching provides the gateway to long term success.
The reasons for this are many. For a start, human beings tend to gravitate towards immediate gratification, and of course in weight loss this is not only unrealistic, but is an unhealthy goal to be planting. Remember, we are planting goals in our subconscious mind continuously. Each thought constitutes an inner goal program.
As we learn to look at these thought goals more frequently in our practice of Awareness Meditation and Thought Management, we can see how we actually work against ourselves in so many moments. An interesting exercise is to observe your free-flowing thoughts for five minutes or so. For each thought that is helpful or skillful to your weight management program, tap your right knee. For each thought that is unhelpful or unskillful, tap your left knee. This simple awareness practice wakes us up to how we are utilizing the power of our mind in relation to this particular goal area.
We know from our earlier work in the Workshop that everything is useful to us. This holds true with each and every thought that scurries through the mind vault. Our job is to observe or catch the thoughts. Once caught, just like a fish, they are ours to prepare in whatever way we choose.
In active, or awake Interactive Self-Hypnosis we have many options. Unskillful, or negative thoughts can be particularly useful. They hold lots of information that can help us on our journey. It is all there for the asking. I like to work with mine just as soon as I spot them if at all possible. If not, I like to make a note in my daytimer.
CD/mp3 Suggestions
Motivation for Weight Loss
Enhancing Self-Discipline
Becoming Aware
Inside the Online Workshop the participants are having a discussion about staying with a healthy lifestyle change program. There are many concerns, especially because there as been lots of failure. While the focus here is weight management, the specific awareness & techniques apply to all areas of life. What's also interesting, when working with the tools of Interactive Self-Hypnosis, a change in one area is carried over to other areas. For example, when lifestyle changes are applied to the nutritional areas of life, it's much easier to make changes in relationships & even habits, such as nail biting, that seemed impossible to change in the past.
Here's a snapshot of the focus & self-hypnotic approach...
When learning to manage weight, either for loss or maintenance, the very first step is spend sufficient time in fully understanding & believing in the specific eating discipline you have decided to follow. This means going beyond just reading a book or following someone else's lead. Keep in mind that everyone is different & comes to their current moment of awakening from a different family & personal medical history & from different life experiences.
Along the way we have developed both talents & negative programs. We all have specific strengths & weaknesses, as well as beliefs about ourselves. And so, we live in a completely different world from our office mates & even from our family members. While it may appear that we are much the same, this is only a surface view & a far cry from what is our true nature & reality. Of course we can listen & learn from others, but it is important to learn to trust one's own intuition & inner guidance system.
It's simply not enough to know that you must lose weight or even to want to lose weight. You must truly believe this in the core of your being. It's important to know that one's convictions & hot desire to achieve is the primary inner motivator that takes one through any & all obstacles go hand in hand. Without deep belief & hot desire in place, the self is easily persuaded to wander off track & to look elsewhere.....window shopping in the world of weight loss & management, like roaming the mall of life.
This is twirling behavior & it is easily observed in our culture. Twirling is a compulsive behavior & is actually part of disordered eating. Twirlers move from one program to another, looking for the problems to be solved easily & outwardly. There is usually lack of total engagement, often right from the beginning & excuses are easy to come by. The time spent in the new program closely follows those of the past. Some twirlers simply purchase the program & never engage at all, as if the program was going to do something all by itself to bring forth the needed change.
I find twirlers in my private hypnosis practice. They present themselves by resisting to take part in the process. They believe that all they have to do is to close their eyes & go to sleep. All changes will be in place as they open their eyes. Wow ! Now while that might sound good, it truly isn't good at all for all disordered eaters have underlying issues that are best brought forward & self-managed. This is the self-esteem connection & the actual eating issues become catalysts for major change in all areas. Think about what would be missed if I were a hypnotic magician?
Once you have planted your beliefs & convictions, it's time to get on with the specifics of your eating discipline program. I suggest that you read & underline all pertinent information in whatever material you are utilizing & then work it into a very specific plan before beginning to weave it into the fabric of your life.
Be simplistic here. Write it down. Know exactly what you will be eating & when you will be eating it. Also be clear about what you will not be doing. This is the time to get very specific, but do stick to the bigger problematic issues. If night eating is big for you, be sure to address it, but if it only happens occasionally, let it go for now. Even if you fall into that hole, you'll still be right with the major parts of your program.
Now you are ready to begin some etching. It's quite easy to do this. Take some time for yourself, making certain you will not be interrupted.
Have your writing work on your lap. Relax deeply & enjoy just be still, both inside & out. Now close your eyes gently & tilt them up about twenty degrees. Right in front of you is your programming mind screen. Just as if you were playing a movie, take yourself slowly through your day as you observe yourself implement the changes that you have outlined.
The programming mind screen enables you to see, hear & feel the scenes as they play out. Practice noticing what it's like as you wake up in the morning & review your day with the new changes. Keep an eye out for any resistance or inner child negative thought remarks. Don't turn your back on these! These are gifts from your subconscious mind who is showing you clear obstructions that need to be tamed & re-programmed.
Take your time as you explore your new changes in different scenes....... the more you review, the better your mind programs will be etched.
Image yourself as the writer, director, producer of this "day in your life" program. Design it as you want it to be & energize it with hot desire. Truly see it & sense it. A good way to do this is to pretend that you are telling someone about this great moment in time. Tell your story with great enthusiasm & excitement. This is true inner motivation & very powerful. As you become better at defining your inner thoughts & pictures, you will be able to greatly enhance the levels of your beliefs & plug into high energy..
Next, write down exactly what you have to do to activate your new plan & when you will do these. Confirm a date for the launching. You are now ready to plant both the program & the detailed planning very deeply into the subconscious mind. The goal is to etch it very deeply into the inner library, so it will play on cue like a powerful inner CD.
As before, take quiet time for yourself & have your written work on your lap. Breathe deeply & allow your body to sink into the chair where you are resting & bring the mind screen into place behind your closed & slightly tilted eyelids. Actively image yourself experiencing the plans AS IF they had been in place for a good period of time.
In other words, they are not imaged as being awkwardly new, with rough spots . Instead, they are an already formed, smooth pattern. This is not to say that you will not notice resistance, because you might. Once again, these are gifts & so go ahead as the writer, director & producer & work out the kinks here.
Take yourself through the variety of plans even if they involve activities that occur on different days such as shopping, picking up the kids, bridge games, etc. These are all part of the major plan for long term success.
It's not uncommon for many people to miss these first steps & by doing so to set themselves up for failure either right in the beginning or somewhere down the road. When you know what needs to be done & you can examine it subconsciously, the answers will present themselves to you. There is little, if any struggle.
Remember that even when following one of the popular weight loss programs, it's simply not enough to read the book. Books are filled with details that need to be implemented over a long period of time. These details need to be introduced & then organized into the current "programmed" lifestyle. Old habits & behaviors may need to be revised or even deleted.
Keep in mind that some of the changes will effect other family members, some in ways that aren't even clear because they are harbored down in the subconscious mind. So it truly helpful to work out some of these snags before they occur. This will allow for smoother transitions & hopefully avoid triggering other snags. Good etching provides the gateway to long term success.
The reasons for this are many. For a start, human beings tend to gravitate towards immediate gratification, and of course in weight loss this is not only unrealistic, but is an unhealthy goal to be planting. Remember, we are planting goals in our subconscious mind continuously. Each thought constitutes an inner goal program.
As we learn to look at these thought goals more frequently in our practice of Awareness Meditation and Thought Management, we can see how we actually work against ourselves in so many moments. An interesting exercise is to observe your free-flowing thoughts for five minutes or so. For each thought that is helpful or skillful to your weight management program, tap your right knee. For each thought that is unhelpful or unskillful, tap your left knee. This simple awareness practice wakes us up to how we are utilizing the power of our mind in relation to this particular goal area.
We know from our earlier work in the Workshop that everything is useful to us. This holds true with each and every thought that scurries through the mind vault. Our job is to observe or catch the thoughts. Once caught, just like a fish, they are ours to prepare in whatever way we choose.
In active, or awake Interactive Self-Hypnosis we have many options. Unskillful, or negative thoughts can be particularly useful. They hold lots of information that can help us on our journey. It is all there for the asking. I like to work with mine just as soon as I spot them if at all possible. If not, I like to make a note in my daytimer.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Into the Mind Screen
We are involved in the BlogAlong Workshop that is based on my work of the past thirty years in nursing education & clinical hypnotherapeutic practice, as well as in research. Many of you who are following this workshop have known me for awhile & are working with my books, CD's & mp3 programs.
Others of you are new to me & also to this type of work, a combination of Active Awareness, Emotional & Thought Management & Original Interactive Self-Hypnosis. For further introductory information, please read the bottom paragraphs of this blog entry. This keeps me from having to repeat it for those who are in process.
Today we return to the mind screen located in your special "egg" or in the theater of your mind. I hope you have been practicing the deep relaxation ritual that allows you to enter at this slow brain, or alpha level. This is where subconscious mind programs are best planted. They are also easier to etch here. It's also where we work on removing or mind editing old programs or facets of programs that arent' working for us.
There have been some interesting conversations in the yahoogroups that are following this workshop. Yesterday we were discussing the observation of negative programs on the mind screen & what to do with them. I suggested that you just leave them alone for now. The fact that you are awake & aware to them is excellent in itself.
At this stage of our work, my goal is to have you relax & find your mind screen...or find a way to image it for yourself. Remember Harlan who simply views it as the screen in his local movie theater. Whatever you notice popping up on it for now is simply a bonus. It really doesn't matter if it's negative or positive, for we are going to benefit from everything we think or sense in some way. Here's the crux. The more we awaken, the more progress we can make by clearing our clutter & the more creative programs we can design & plant.
Here's a comment from TARA, one of my office patients. Right now my mind screen doesn't have much to offer. As you suggested, I watched a movie about my usual day. The frame was dark & dirty. The pictures were sort of blurred & uninteresting. I could image myself, but found it unpleasant. I seemed tired, bored, unattractive & unkept. This is not how I see myself when I look in a real mirror, although I must confess that I don't have a very high opinion of myself.
ELIZ - Tara is observing some of her inner beliefs, many of which are more than likely more honest than her conscious mirror look. Most of us live behind a mask in order to protect ourselves. I've known Tara for awhile & find this true about her. She is a very talented writer, but doesn't produce very much, spending much time procrastinating & finding other things that she allows to pull her away from what she really wants to accomplish. She's filled with excuses & as she continues to work with her mind screen, she will be able to change her inner dialog, as well as to clean & clear the areas that are dampening her self-esteem & self-image.
JOANNE - What are some of the things we'll do with the mind screen image? I'm a member of two groups.... self-hypnosis & phobias. Can I work with both areas at the same time?
ELIZ- Yes, of course. Watching the mind-screen is like being an observer of your own life. Of course, we only observe it part of the time, either when we are practicing, or we remember, or we have a special desire & decide to visit & work with it. Other times we are in the workshop of the world, wandering about with everyone else. Keep in mind that the world is like a big school. When we practice Heightened Awareness we are able to see & examine more than when we are sleep-walking on automatic pilot.
In the future you will be able to see the many facets of your phobias or fears. You will actually be able to utilize the mind screen to see the scenes that play out BEFORE the phobias present themselves. You'll begin to notice the prodromals, the causative factors, the connecting emotions & you will be able to intercede at any juncture, thereby stalling or completely dismissing the phobia completely. After all, it doesn't benefit you life, does it? Is it something that you want to keep? I doubt it. It simply takes up time that you could utilize for your true creative talents that would love to emerge on that clear & bright mind screen of yours.
Here are some of the areas we will be addressing on the mind-screen. I don't think I have space for all of them, so I'll continue in the next BlogAlong entry.
ADDICTIONS & EATING DISORDERS - Motivators, patterns of bingeing, emotions, compulsions, history, medical issues, new behaviors, other life goals, etc.
ACCELERATED LEARNING/CREATIVITY - Opening creative channels, deep mind excavating, utilizing other learning modes, emotional clutter, beliefs, etc.
PHOBIAS & DISTRUCTIVE HABITS - Opening patterns, exploring needs for habits such as nail biting, skin picking, family & personal medical history, re-programming facets, seeing oneself complete & in charge of body functions, etc.
PREGNANCY, BIRTHING, PARENTING - Relaxing, giving birth through the mind screen, releasing discomfort, balancing hormones, releasing stress, building energy, managing sleep loss or interruption, etc.
SELF-HYPNOSIS - Deepening, accessing the inner library, regressing, editing mind programs, designing metaphors for change, building & moving goals, choosing attitudes & attributes, future pacing, etc.
DISEASE MANAGEMENT - Locating the authentic self, managing body sensations, pain points, relaxing, releasing stress, building meaningful life experiences, etc.
HEATH MANAGEMENT - Building & motivating healthy lifestyle behaviors, exercise, high level nutrition, emotional management, thought management, etc.
SPORTS - Building skill, managing the mind game, building confidence, correcting in the moment, etc.
MP3'S AVAILABLE - Complimentary programs at my website.
Welcome back to the BlogAlong Self-Development Workshop. This online workshop follows my books/programs including Sugar....the Hidden Eating Disorder & How to Lick It, Beyond Disorderly Eating, the Mind & Body Fitness Boot Camp, Stop Nail Biting Now: 4 Steps to Success, as well as many of my CD/mp3 programs. If you are new to the Workshop, please read the early entries because this is like any other workshop you might attend. If you are late, there are things you have missed that will interfere with your understanding of the process for the attainment of high level health & performance.
The BlogAlong workshop is both didactic & interactive. The latter includes active discussions, mp3 downloads from my available library, as well as some designed specifically for this workshop. To participate in the discussions you will need to join one of my email yahoogroups. There are ten of them, located on my website or you can email me for an invitation. I suggest you work with a three ring binder &/or a journal. This will reinfoce your subconscious mind programs.
Others of you are new to me & also to this type of work, a combination of Active Awareness, Emotional & Thought Management & Original Interactive Self-Hypnosis. For further introductory information, please read the bottom paragraphs of this blog entry. This keeps me from having to repeat it for those who are in process.
Today we return to the mind screen located in your special "egg" or in the theater of your mind. I hope you have been practicing the deep relaxation ritual that allows you to enter at this slow brain, or alpha level. This is where subconscious mind programs are best planted. They are also easier to etch here. It's also where we work on removing or mind editing old programs or facets of programs that arent' working for us.
There have been some interesting conversations in the yahoogroups that are following this workshop. Yesterday we were discussing the observation of negative programs on the mind screen & what to do with them. I suggested that you just leave them alone for now. The fact that you are awake & aware to them is excellent in itself.
At this stage of our work, my goal is to have you relax & find your mind screen...or find a way to image it for yourself. Remember Harlan who simply views it as the screen in his local movie theater. Whatever you notice popping up on it for now is simply a bonus. It really doesn't matter if it's negative or positive, for we are going to benefit from everything we think or sense in some way. Here's the crux. The more we awaken, the more progress we can make by clearing our clutter & the more creative programs we can design & plant.
Here's a comment from TARA, one of my office patients. Right now my mind screen doesn't have much to offer. As you suggested, I watched a movie about my usual day. The frame was dark & dirty. The pictures were sort of blurred & uninteresting. I could image myself, but found it unpleasant. I seemed tired, bored, unattractive & unkept. This is not how I see myself when I look in a real mirror, although I must confess that I don't have a very high opinion of myself.
ELIZ - Tara is observing some of her inner beliefs, many of which are more than likely more honest than her conscious mirror look. Most of us live behind a mask in order to protect ourselves. I've known Tara for awhile & find this true about her. She is a very talented writer, but doesn't produce very much, spending much time procrastinating & finding other things that she allows to pull her away from what she really wants to accomplish. She's filled with excuses & as she continues to work with her mind screen, she will be able to change her inner dialog, as well as to clean & clear the areas that are dampening her self-esteem & self-image.
JOANNE - What are some of the things we'll do with the mind screen image? I'm a member of two groups.... self-hypnosis & phobias. Can I work with both areas at the same time?
ELIZ- Yes, of course. Watching the mind-screen is like being an observer of your own life. Of course, we only observe it part of the time, either when we are practicing, or we remember, or we have a special desire & decide to visit & work with it. Other times we are in the workshop of the world, wandering about with everyone else. Keep in mind that the world is like a big school. When we practice Heightened Awareness we are able to see & examine more than when we are sleep-walking on automatic pilot.
In the future you will be able to see the many facets of your phobias or fears. You will actually be able to utilize the mind screen to see the scenes that play out BEFORE the phobias present themselves. You'll begin to notice the prodromals, the causative factors, the connecting emotions & you will be able to intercede at any juncture, thereby stalling or completely dismissing the phobia completely. After all, it doesn't benefit you life, does it? Is it something that you want to keep? I doubt it. It simply takes up time that you could utilize for your true creative talents that would love to emerge on that clear & bright mind screen of yours.
Here are some of the areas we will be addressing on the mind-screen. I don't think I have space for all of them, so I'll continue in the next BlogAlong entry.
ADDICTIONS & EATING DISORDERS - Motivators, patterns of bingeing, emotions, compulsions, history, medical issues, new behaviors, other life goals, etc.
ACCELERATED LEARNING/CREATIVITY - Opening creative channels, deep mind excavating, utilizing other learning modes, emotional clutter, beliefs, etc.
PHOBIAS & DISTRUCTIVE HABITS - Opening patterns, exploring needs for habits such as nail biting, skin picking, family & personal medical history, re-programming facets, seeing oneself complete & in charge of body functions, etc.
PREGNANCY, BIRTHING, PARENTING - Relaxing, giving birth through the mind screen, releasing discomfort, balancing hormones, releasing stress, building energy, managing sleep loss or interruption, etc.
SELF-HYPNOSIS - Deepening, accessing the inner library, regressing, editing mind programs, designing metaphors for change, building & moving goals, choosing attitudes & attributes, future pacing, etc.
DISEASE MANAGEMENT - Locating the authentic self, managing body sensations, pain points, relaxing, releasing stress, building meaningful life experiences, etc.
HEATH MANAGEMENT - Building & motivating healthy lifestyle behaviors, exercise, high level nutrition, emotional management, thought management, etc.
SPORTS - Building skill, managing the mind game, building confidence, correcting in the moment, etc.
MP3'S AVAILABLE - Complimentary programs at my website.
Welcome back to the BlogAlong Self-Development Workshop. This online workshop follows my books/programs including Sugar....the Hidden Eating Disorder & How to Lick It, Beyond Disorderly Eating, the Mind & Body Fitness Boot Camp, Stop Nail Biting Now: 4 Steps to Success, as well as many of my CD/mp3 programs. If you are new to the Workshop, please read the early entries because this is like any other workshop you might attend. If you are late, there are things you have missed that will interfere with your understanding of the process for the attainment of high level health & performance.
The BlogAlong workshop is both didactic & interactive. The latter includes active discussions, mp3 downloads from my available library, as well as some designed specifically for this workshop. To participate in the discussions you will need to join one of my email yahoogroups. There are ten of them, located on my website or you can email me for an invitation. I suggest you work with a three ring binder &/or a journal. This will reinfoce your subconscious mind programs.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Failure Speak
"What we think or what we entertain is what we get & the same goes double for failure thoughts or beliefs."....Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
CD/mp3 Suggestions -
1. Diminishing or Enhancing Emotions
2. Managing Thoughts
Unfortunately failure mindsets are a dime a dozen. You don't have to look far to find them...in others or more importantly, in ourselves. It's rather amazing that we succeed at anything, given our usual interior weather. Look closely; it's usually either raining, storming, blowing, snowing, cloudy or completely parched & drought-ridden.
Thoughtout this blog I've reminded you to look for emotional carriers, especially those that attempt to color your life with negative mind states. Pay attention to the word attempt. No one can do anything without your permission. Mind-underline that for yourself, for most of us tend to forget it. Just because someone in your environment is coloring in a negative fashion, you do not have to breathe it in. It's like second-hand smoke. You do not have to breathe it in. You have choices.
Even though I can't see or hear you, I have a good idea as to what you are thinking right now, the reason being that in the past, I've said most of those things to myself or to others in relation to myself OR I've heard it from others in my work as a clinical hypnotherapist.
So, let me tell you this...
Changing mindsets is a skill, just like anything else. Think for a moment about how many things you have learned from the time you were just a baby. Take a mind-visit back to your early childhood, finding a time when you simply didn't entertain failure. That time is there......so go find it & then sense yourself reconnecting. However you might like to imagine that....do it. Notice that during this time you were also independent of the negative crayoning of others. Take your time in this area of self-exploration for it is very important & can work to change your life experiences considerably.
In short, you need to know that you can achieve things. You can work through perceived failure. You can recognize negative-emotional crayoning of others & that you can choose not to accept it.
Now about the definition of failure.... I'm sure that you already know that failing at something just means that you haven't figured out how to do it yet. That is all that it is. Now others might have more to say about it, but again, that is their negative crayoning. You already know what to do about that. In case you have forgotten, or haven't read those blog entries....when you don't want to accept negative crayoning your task is to ...
1. notice or wake-up
2. breathe from center & relax your body
3. release the image or emotion
4. place a new mind program on your mind screen
When you experiencing a perceived failure, it's time to go back to the drawing board. For most of us, we take too big a chunk & so of course, we tend to choke. Now what would you do if you were choking on something? Well, if it were me, I'd do whatever I had to do to get the offender out of my mouth asap.
It's the same with anything else. Break the perceived failure into pieces & study them independently. It's best to do this in deep relaxation. That way, your own subconscious mind will assist you in finding a better way. If you experience mind-confusion when you try to do this.....the chunk is simply too big OR you haven't quieted the mind sufficiently.
Most of you have heard about your intuition or inner knowing. That is your subconscious mind in action. In order to take full advantage of it, you must relax very deeply. Then you will be gifted with eureka break-through thoughts or ideas or serendipity. Nothing is free in life. As I tell my patients, the piper must be paid. If you want your own mind to assist you, it is up to you to change your internal weather system.
"I wake to my perceived failures & mind-edit them easily. I am aware of my internal weather systems. I stay keenly aware of negative-crayoning & make good choices for myself". ...Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
If you haven't experienced the practice of self-hypnosis before, here is a very special Interactive Self-Hypnosis audioBOOK session called "High Level Nutrition." The full program is available on my website. Here's a brief introduction....
Practicing High Level Nutrition #1015
"Pinpointing your current location of your life path is important when deciding to change course. Most of us have little idea as to where we are "path-wise" in relation to the chronic disease door, nor have we evaluated how fast we are walking towards it. Moments do count. Everything you put in your mouth counts. Think of your body departments as being bank accounts. What is your balance?"........Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
The American diet leaves much to be desired, & while many would choose to change their dietary habits, they find it difficult to be persistent. This audio program presents the issues to the subconscious mind & designs a plan for positive change with little effort. As the nutrition improves, the mind & body all function at a higher level. Listeners learn to program the correct amount of protein needed by the lean body mass, a desire to eat lower glycemic vegetables to enable fat-burning & balanced blood sugar levels, as well as balancing those foods that are related to compulsive & emotional eating.
This audio includes deep relaxation, entry tools to the subconscious mind, imagery designed specifically for emotional & thought management related to maintaining healthy nutritional practices, inner motivation & lifestyle change, as well as Interactive Self-hypnosis © practice.
The past issues of this blog can be found below. Other segments are stored in the following separate blog. For those of you who would like to practice Interactive Self-Hypnosis, there is always a complimentary mp3 sitting on my website.
CD/mp3 Suggestions -
1. Diminishing or Enhancing Emotions
2. Managing Thoughts
Unfortunately failure mindsets are a dime a dozen. You don't have to look far to find them...in others or more importantly, in ourselves. It's rather amazing that we succeed at anything, given our usual interior weather. Look closely; it's usually either raining, storming, blowing, snowing, cloudy or completely parched & drought-ridden.
Thoughtout this blog I've reminded you to look for emotional carriers, especially those that attempt to color your life with negative mind states. Pay attention to the word attempt. No one can do anything without your permission. Mind-underline that for yourself, for most of us tend to forget it. Just because someone in your environment is coloring in a negative fashion, you do not have to breathe it in. It's like second-hand smoke. You do not have to breathe it in. You have choices.
Even though I can't see or hear you, I have a good idea as to what you are thinking right now, the reason being that in the past, I've said most of those things to myself or to others in relation to myself OR I've heard it from others in my work as a clinical hypnotherapist.
So, let me tell you this...
Changing mindsets is a skill, just like anything else. Think for a moment about how many things you have learned from the time you were just a baby. Take a mind-visit back to your early childhood, finding a time when you simply didn't entertain failure. That time is there......so go find it & then sense yourself reconnecting. However you might like to imagine that....do it. Notice that during this time you were also independent of the negative crayoning of others. Take your time in this area of self-exploration for it is very important & can work to change your life experiences considerably.
In short, you need to know that you can achieve things. You can work through perceived failure. You can recognize negative-emotional crayoning of others & that you can choose not to accept it.
Now about the definition of failure.... I'm sure that you already know that failing at something just means that you haven't figured out how to do it yet. That is all that it is. Now others might have more to say about it, but again, that is their negative crayoning. You already know what to do about that. In case you have forgotten, or haven't read those blog entries....when you don't want to accept negative crayoning your task is to ...
1. notice or wake-up
2. breathe from center & relax your body
3. release the image or emotion
4. place a new mind program on your mind screen
When you experiencing a perceived failure, it's time to go back to the drawing board. For most of us, we take too big a chunk & so of course, we tend to choke. Now what would you do if you were choking on something? Well, if it were me, I'd do whatever I had to do to get the offender out of my mouth asap.
It's the same with anything else. Break the perceived failure into pieces & study them independently. It's best to do this in deep relaxation. That way, your own subconscious mind will assist you in finding a better way. If you experience mind-confusion when you try to do this.....the chunk is simply too big OR you haven't quieted the mind sufficiently.
Most of you have heard about your intuition or inner knowing. That is your subconscious mind in action. In order to take full advantage of it, you must relax very deeply. Then you will be gifted with eureka break-through thoughts or ideas or serendipity. Nothing is free in life. As I tell my patients, the piper must be paid. If you want your own mind to assist you, it is up to you to change your internal weather system.
"I wake to my perceived failures & mind-edit them easily. I am aware of my internal weather systems. I stay keenly aware of negative-crayoning & make good choices for myself". ...Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
If you haven't experienced the practice of self-hypnosis before, here is a very special Interactive Self-Hypnosis audioBOOK session called "High Level Nutrition." The full program is available on my website. Here's a brief introduction....
Practicing High Level Nutrition #1015
"Pinpointing your current location of your life path is important when deciding to change course. Most of us have little idea as to where we are "path-wise" in relation to the chronic disease door, nor have we evaluated how fast we are walking towards it. Moments do count. Everything you put in your mouth counts. Think of your body departments as being bank accounts. What is your balance?"........Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
The American diet leaves much to be desired, & while many would choose to change their dietary habits, they find it difficult to be persistent. This audio program presents the issues to the subconscious mind & designs a plan for positive change with little effort. As the nutrition improves, the mind & body all function at a higher level. Listeners learn to program the correct amount of protein needed by the lean body mass, a desire to eat lower glycemic vegetables to enable fat-burning & balanced blood sugar levels, as well as balancing those foods that are related to compulsive & emotional eating.
This audio includes deep relaxation, entry tools to the subconscious mind, imagery designed specifically for emotional & thought management related to maintaining healthy nutritional practices, inner motivation & lifestyle change, as well as Interactive Self-hypnosis © practice.
The past issues of this blog can be found below. Other segments are stored in the following separate blog. For those of you who would like to practice Interactive Self-Hypnosis, there is always a complimentary mp3 sitting on my website.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
What the Scale Doesn't Know.... Part 2
'What you don't know....could kill you."......Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
The amount of faulty information regarding weight loss & management is staggering. One would think that improved communication systems, as well as the regular use of the internet increase, things would change for the better, but unfortunately this is not so.
Every day I have yet another email that is filled with inaccuracies & false beliefs. What makes this so troubling is that mistakes in this vista of life can lead to illness & death. Now, if the body & mind were a car engine, it's more likely that the information & care would be more on target.
For those of you who are following "What the Scale Doesn't Know".....here is the second part of that blog entry. Following that is a conversation I had this morning with Edna.... one of the Workshop participants.
12. Dinner is the time for a balanced meal. It should contain healthy protein & fat, low-glycemic carbohydrates & a balance of healthy high-glycemics. When the body fat percentage is too high, it's a good idea to eat at least two cups of low-glycemics to help hold the blood sugars. I'm not in favor of eating refined sugars at this meal, but sometimes it takes awhile before an individual can wean themselves. I always suggest that my office patients stay away from binge choices. If one "must have" a cookie or something sweet, choose one that is "ok" but "not to die for."
Once again, the serving sizes at dinner depend on the needs of the body including the lean body mass, exercise & stress levels. When a person eats correctly, after a short while, the physiological appetite levels usually balance themselves. Emotional & compulsive eating are separate issues & need to managed in a different way. The body is very intelligent & knows what to do when it is provided with what it needs. Of course, in rare instances there are other medical problems, but for the large majority of people the problems are nothing more than lack of desire, lack of knowledge, lack of planning, lack of exercise, lack of stress management, lack of follow-through & self-disorder.
Diets don't work. One needs to know how to eat for what the body needs & then to learn how to eat those other foods that the mind wants. In "interactive self-hypnosis" we learn to "contain" those foods. We can have everything we desire, but not all the time or when the urge presents itself to us. As we learn to work with our mind-body connection, our emotional child-self, our compulsive nature & old patterns, we can break through the dangerous habits of the past & re-edit these with new facets & desire for healthy outcomes.
EDNA: I have been hypnotized before and am very susceptible. I am interested to know at what level do you go? How far under can I expect?
ELIZ: The depth of trance is determined by the participant & so you can go as deeply as you like. The suggestions are all in place on the programs. In addition, each time you repeat a program, the suggestion is there to go "deeper & deeper."
EDNA: I realize this is different from client to client, but I am looking for some strong suggestions regarding weight. I am a compulsive overeater. I eat for stress, boredom, and just because I think of food constantly. It would be wonderful to replace those thoughts with drinking water, then I would be the weight I need to be.
ELIZ: I have a problem with discussing "scale weight"........for it does not tell the proper story. Healthy weight is all about the ratio of lean body mass to the body fat percentage. There is a proper way to eat in order to get to that healthy lean body mass & then to maintain it. When the lean body mass is where it needs to be, the body will burn fat easily. It is well known that when the body fat percentage is too high, the individual is going towards insulin resistance......the precursor of diabetes, heart & circulatory disease, to name just a few of the connected issues.
Over-eating can be both physiological & emotional......in order to solve the problem once & for all, both need to be attended to. This is the way ALL of my eating programs are designed. Of course, one can look to drinking water IF the food is in proper order & the insulin is being regulated with the needed nutrition, BUT if the food isn't in order, then it would be wrong to have the water in place of it.
As for the weight you need to be, it isn't possible to know that UNLESS you know your lean body mass & body fat percentage, as well as your activity level. For example, I am 5'4". When my lean body mass was too small, my scale weight was 119 pounds. Now, my lean body mass is right where it needs to be & I weigh 150 pounds & I wear the same size. That is because muscle is dense. Do know that this is not my idea, but is based on scientific/health fact & can be researched on the internet.
EDNA: I abuse sugar and carbs because I work at night from my home doing computer work. I abuse carbs and sugar to keep me going. So I am looking for some pretty strong suggestions.
ELIZ: Once again, if you are not eating correctly during the day, then the sugar/carb issues can surface at night. In addition, I'm sure you have a compulsive habit.....from what you are saying. All of this can be managed hypnotically, but the approach has to be both physiological & emotional in order to solve the problem.
EDNA: I have tried some other cd’s for hypnosis but have found most deal with eating healthy, which is not that much of a problem for me.
ELIZ: I'm not convinced that you are eating in a healthy fashion for the needs of your body. I would need to see some food logs, etc. Also, timing of meals is so very important & if you are grazing, even on healthy food, then there is still going to be an insulin issue. This also reinforces the night eating behavior & perhaps the triggers. All of this needs to be re-set.
EDNA: I just don’t know when to quit eating, the reason being that I had a gastric bypass several years ago and I never feel hungry, so I just don’t know when to stop. I also constantly think about what to eat next. Can your programs help me?
ELIZ: It sounds to me that you need to manage thoughts & emotions that are related to compulsive/emotional eating issues, as well as to resolve the triggers & to get the physiology in proper management. And yes, my programs are designed to do all of these things....
If you haven't experienced the practice of self-hypnosis before, here is a very special Interactive Self-Hypnosis audioBOOK session called "High Level Nutrition." The full program is available on my website. Here's a brief introduction....
Practicing High Level Nutrition #1015
"Pinpointing your current location of your life path is important when deciding to change course. Most of us have little idea as to where we are "path-wise" in relation to the chronic disease door, nor have we evaluated how fast we are walking towards it. Moments do count. Everything you put in your mouth counts. Think of your body departments as being bank accounts. What is your balance?"........Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
The American diet leaves much to be desired, & while many would choose to change their dietary habits, they find it difficult to be persistent. This audio program presents the issues to the subconscious mind & designs a plan for positive change with little effort. As the nutrition improves, the mind & body all function at a higher level. Listeners learn to program the correct amount of protein needed by the lean body mass, a desire to eat lower glycemic vegetables to enable fat-burning & balanced blood sugar levels, as well as balancing those foods that are related to compulsive & emotional eating.
This audio includes deep relaxation, entry tools to the subconscious mind, imagery designed specifically for emotional & thought management related to maintaining healthy nutritional practices, inner motivation & lifestyle change, as well as Interactive Self-hypnosis © practice.
The past issues of this blog can be found below. Other segments are stored in the following separate blog. For those of you who would like to practice Interactive Self-Hypnosis, there is always a complimentary mp3 sitting on my website.
The amount of faulty information regarding weight loss & management is staggering. One would think that improved communication systems, as well as the regular use of the internet increase, things would change for the better, but unfortunately this is not so.
Every day I have yet another email that is filled with inaccuracies & false beliefs. What makes this so troubling is that mistakes in this vista of life can lead to illness & death. Now, if the body & mind were a car engine, it's more likely that the information & care would be more on target.
For those of you who are following "What the Scale Doesn't Know".....here is the second part of that blog entry. Following that is a conversation I had this morning with Edna.... one of the Workshop participants.
12. Dinner is the time for a balanced meal. It should contain healthy protein & fat, low-glycemic carbohydrates & a balance of healthy high-glycemics. When the body fat percentage is too high, it's a good idea to eat at least two cups of low-glycemics to help hold the blood sugars. I'm not in favor of eating refined sugars at this meal, but sometimes it takes awhile before an individual can wean themselves. I always suggest that my office patients stay away from binge choices. If one "must have" a cookie or something sweet, choose one that is "ok" but "not to die for."
Once again, the serving sizes at dinner depend on the needs of the body including the lean body mass, exercise & stress levels. When a person eats correctly, after a short while, the physiological appetite levels usually balance themselves. Emotional & compulsive eating are separate issues & need to managed in a different way. The body is very intelligent & knows what to do when it is provided with what it needs. Of course, in rare instances there are other medical problems, but for the large majority of people the problems are nothing more than lack of desire, lack of knowledge, lack of planning, lack of exercise, lack of stress management, lack of follow-through & self-disorder.
Diets don't work. One needs to know how to eat for what the body needs & then to learn how to eat those other foods that the mind wants. In "interactive self-hypnosis" we learn to "contain" those foods. We can have everything we desire, but not all the time or when the urge presents itself to us. As we learn to work with our mind-body connection, our emotional child-self, our compulsive nature & old patterns, we can break through the dangerous habits of the past & re-edit these with new facets & desire for healthy outcomes.
EDNA: I have been hypnotized before and am very susceptible. I am interested to know at what level do you go? How far under can I expect?
ELIZ: The depth of trance is determined by the participant & so you can go as deeply as you like. The suggestions are all in place on the programs. In addition, each time you repeat a program, the suggestion is there to go "deeper & deeper."
EDNA: I realize this is different from client to client, but I am looking for some strong suggestions regarding weight. I am a compulsive overeater. I eat for stress, boredom, and just because I think of food constantly. It would be wonderful to replace those thoughts with drinking water, then I would be the weight I need to be.
ELIZ: I have a problem with discussing "scale weight"........for it does not tell the proper story. Healthy weight is all about the ratio of lean body mass to the body fat percentage. There is a proper way to eat in order to get to that healthy lean body mass & then to maintain it. When the lean body mass is where it needs to be, the body will burn fat easily. It is well known that when the body fat percentage is too high, the individual is going towards insulin resistance......the precursor of diabetes, heart & circulatory disease, to name just a few of the connected issues.
Over-eating can be both physiological & emotional......in order to solve the problem once & for all, both need to be attended to. This is the way ALL of my eating programs are designed. Of course, one can look to drinking water IF the food is in proper order & the insulin is being regulated with the needed nutrition, BUT if the food isn't in order, then it would be wrong to have the water in place of it.
As for the weight you need to be, it isn't possible to know that UNLESS you know your lean body mass & body fat percentage, as well as your activity level. For example, I am 5'4". When my lean body mass was too small, my scale weight was 119 pounds. Now, my lean body mass is right where it needs to be & I weigh 150 pounds & I wear the same size. That is because muscle is dense. Do know that this is not my idea, but is based on scientific/health fact & can be researched on the internet.
EDNA: I abuse sugar and carbs because I work at night from my home doing computer work. I abuse carbs and sugar to keep me going. So I am looking for some pretty strong suggestions.
ELIZ: Once again, if you are not eating correctly during the day, then the sugar/carb issues can surface at night. In addition, I'm sure you have a compulsive habit.....from what you are saying. All of this can be managed hypnotically, but the approach has to be both physiological & emotional in order to solve the problem.
EDNA: I have tried some other cd’s for hypnosis but have found most deal with eating healthy, which is not that much of a problem for me.
ELIZ: I'm not convinced that you are eating in a healthy fashion for the needs of your body. I would need to see some food logs, etc. Also, timing of meals is so very important & if you are grazing, even on healthy food, then there is still going to be an insulin issue. This also reinforces the night eating behavior & perhaps the triggers. All of this needs to be re-set.
EDNA: I just don’t know when to quit eating, the reason being that I had a gastric bypass several years ago and I never feel hungry, so I just don’t know when to stop. I also constantly think about what to eat next. Can your programs help me?
ELIZ: It sounds to me that you need to manage thoughts & emotions that are related to compulsive/emotional eating issues, as well as to resolve the triggers & to get the physiology in proper management. And yes, my programs are designed to do all of these things....
If you haven't experienced the practice of self-hypnosis before, here is a very special Interactive Self-Hypnosis audioBOOK session called "High Level Nutrition." The full program is available on my website. Here's a brief introduction....
Practicing High Level Nutrition #1015
"Pinpointing your current location of your life path is important when deciding to change course. Most of us have little idea as to where we are "path-wise" in relation to the chronic disease door, nor have we evaluated how fast we are walking towards it. Moments do count. Everything you put in your mouth counts. Think of your body departments as being bank accounts. What is your balance?"........Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
The American diet leaves much to be desired, & while many would choose to change their dietary habits, they find it difficult to be persistent. This audio program presents the issues to the subconscious mind & designs a plan for positive change with little effort. As the nutrition improves, the mind & body all function at a higher level. Listeners learn to program the correct amount of protein needed by the lean body mass, a desire to eat lower glycemic vegetables to enable fat-burning & balanced blood sugar levels, as well as balancing those foods that are related to compulsive & emotional eating.
This audio includes deep relaxation, entry tools to the subconscious mind, imagery designed specifically for emotional & thought management related to maintaining healthy nutritional practices, inner motivation & lifestyle change, as well as Interactive Self-hypnosis © practice.
The past issues of this blog can be found below. Other segments are stored in the following separate blog. For those of you who would like to practice Interactive Self-Hypnosis, there is always a complimentary mp3 sitting on my website.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
What the Scale Doesn't Know
When it comes to healthy weight, what's important is not so much the scale, but the percentage of lean body mass & body fat percentage. Do you know where you stand in this regard?... Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
No matter where you look, it appears that everyone seems to have weight issues. There are those who want to lose pounds & others not wanting to gain pounds. It's not uncommon to live one's emotional life in relation to the dial on the bathroom or supermarket scale.
Truth be known, the scale is not the best determining factor of what is going on weight-wise. The scale only reports the total weight, not the lean body mass nor body fat percentage. In addition, there are people who do not appear over-weight, but do have an unhealthy body fat percentage & a low-weight lean body mass. For one reason or another theyare not burning fat & more than likely, they are building insulin resistance on their cell borders, leading down the path to the killer diseases. Keep in mind that here are also individuals who have a dense lean body mass & lower body fat percentage who will weigh more than they appear as muscle weighs more than fat. Athletes often fall into this category.
Here are some keys to attaining a healthy lean body mass,body fat percentage & weight:
1. FIRST....you must have a HOT DESIRE to not only REACH your goal but to ATTEND to it FOREVER !! It needs to be fed each & every day with powerful affirmations, loaded with positive emotion. All negative mind states that present themselves MUST BE diminished as soon as they are noticed. Then, you must re-educate those emotional states, not only with new behaviors, but with HOT DESIRE.
2. Next, it's important to take stock of where you are RIGHT NOW in regard to your lean body mass & body fat percentage. You scale weight is actually a secondary issue at this time. There are websites that will help you to figure this out & also give you an idea of a healthy body fat percentage for your age & level of health. If you would like to write to me, I will be happy to help you as well.
3. Once you know your lean body mass, you will need to find out how much protein your body needs in a total day in order to burn fat. Again, check the web or write to me. Depending on your body fat percentage, body weight & exercise levels, you may need even more. You will also need to know how to divide your required protein throughout your day. Protein is calculated in grams or units. 7 grams equals one protein unit, so if you are measuring tofu or nuts as a protein choice, be sure to estimate your serving. Don't eat out of the package. Place your serving on a plate. An ounce of meat or poultry, one ounce of cheese & 1.5 ounces of fish constitutes a protein unit. There is usually no need to measure, but one certainly needs to "eyeball" serving sizes. Do know that when the meals are properly designed, hunger levels will normalize. That means that "I could eat the wallpaper off the wall" hunger levels will be gone forever.
4. Meals must be scheduled every 3.5 to 4 hours to avoid "big bridges" that interfere with healthy blood sugar levels. "Walk-by" & "thought-less" eating patterns also need to be broken to preserve this healthy fat-burning physiological state. These negative eating habits over-produce insulin & since insulin stores fat, you can guess the outcome. Heightened awareness & interactive self-hypnosis will help with this. If "break-through" hunger occurs, the previous meals need to be reviewed. In most instances one will find insufficient nutrition or hidden insulin triggers. Common ones include coffee, caffeinated tea, diet soda, artificial sweeteners, gum or breath mints. Insufficient water causing dehydration is also a possibility.
5. Its important to learn the difference between low, SLOW & high glycemic carbohydrates. Certain high glycemics, such as refined foods containing white flour & high fructose sugars tend break down very rapidly,causing the hormone insulin to be over-produced. Although we need insulin to survive, when it is over-produced it leads to excess fat storing, as well as to a condition known as insulin resistance, the precursor to the killer diseases. In addition, if a person smokes or has alcohol dependency, cravings increase.
6. Low-glycemic carbohydrates include all varieties of lettuce, sprouts, cucumbers, peppers, radish, artichoke, kale, zucchini, snow peas, asparagus, brussel sprouts, okra, arugula, broccoli, endive, spinach, green beans, cabbage, mushrooms, eggplant, yellow squash, turnips, to name a few. Tomatoes can be acceptable in smaller amounts as they are actually a fruit. These vegetables help to balance the blood sugars, as well as containing lots of vitamins & minerals. You can eat them raw or cooked.
Most obese individuals under-eat low-glycemic vegetables & over-eat high-glycemics, especially the refined choices. They have a strong tendency towards disorderly eating, eating too little of what their body needs to burn fat & compensating with larger portions or overly-frequent eating of foods that raise their insulin levels & place their body into food stress. When the needed meals are not properly balanced & delivered when they are needed, the pancreas WILL over-produce insulin & the body will store fat. Keep in mind that the body NEEDS proper nutrition & cannot go & get it for itself. Believe me, if it could it would !! The body looks for homeostasis or balance & so if the nutrition is not DELIVERED, the body will break down the lean body mass & store it as fat.
7. High-glycemic vegetables include acorn squash, butternut, corn, lima beans, refried beans, artichokes, beets, kidney beans, parsnips, peas, white & sweet potatoes, chickpeas, lentils, carrots to name a few. All grains are high-glycemic carbohydrates. Choose whole grains & stay away from refined ones. Read the labels. Choose breads that are dense & have no sugar or sweeteners of any sort added to the dough. If you suspect a sensitivity to yeast, choose a yeast-free product. If you suspect a sensitivity to a particular grain, check it out & if necessary take it out & try a different grain. Other grains include rice, both white & brown, barley, quinoa, millet, rye, buckwheat & oats. Bulgur & couscous are both wheat.
8. All fruits are high-glycemic & need to managed properly. Stay away from juices & pretend juices. They stimulate insulin production & very quickly. As for whole fruits, much will depend on your already present level of insulin resistance & how sensitive you are to the particular fruit. If your body fat percentage is high, you may need to limit fruits & to choose those that have less tendency to drive the blood sugar up. Those include blueberries, blackberries, raspberries & strawberries. Dried fruits, bananas, guava, mangos, papayas & dates are very glycemic & should be avoided unless there is some very good reason to include them.
Most people I see in my office tend to over-eat fruit. They see it as a healthy food & therefore interpret that as an "ok" to eat it whenever they like & as often as they like. I have one patient who nibbles grapes throughout the day. Think about that for a moment. She is actually asking her pancreas to produce insulin each & every time she pops one into her mouth!
9. Breakfast should consist of protein, healthy fat & a slow or dense carbohydrate. The portions depend on the needs of the body in the front part of the day. Fruits are usually not a good choice here, especially if the body fat percentage is high. They are often responsible for break-through hunger in the middle of the morning, or in the early afternoon. Depending upon the time one starts the day, there may be a need for two small breakfasts. I find this occurring in nurses who wake up at 5 AM & start their work shift at 7 AM. They may not be scheduled for lunch until 12 or 1 PM. It's important to work with "the bridges" so as to manage the blood sugars properly. All caffeinated beverages stimulate insulin production !! One is still paying for 8 ounces of coffee ten hours later !
10. Lunch is time for protein, healthy fat & lots of low-glycemics. By lots I mean at least 3 cups. Depending on the individual, a serving of grain may also be needed here. When one is looking to lose body fat percentage, the amount of food needed during this time is often higher.
Obese individuals usually over-eat at lunch OR starve. Once again, disorderly eating is a big problem here. Those who are disorganized find themselves dealing with lack of planning & looking for the easy way out that usually means joining the "let's order out" group in the office. For those who are home, it's easy to join the children or to just open the refrigerator & let the hands do the walking instead of the head. Water is the beverage of choice. Decaffeinated green tea is acceptable. I'm not talking about the bottled variety, but that make from loose tea or a tea bag.
11. Mid afternoon is low blood sugar time for most people & an afternoon snack is often a must. Once again, count those hours & watch out for "big bridges." The size of the snack depends on the body needs. The choices fall into the categories of protein, healthy fat & low-glycemics. These foods balance out the blood sugars & form a healthy bridge to dinner.
To be continued....
No matter where you look, it appears that everyone seems to have weight issues. There are those who want to lose pounds & others not wanting to gain pounds. It's not uncommon to live one's emotional life in relation to the dial on the bathroom or supermarket scale.
Truth be known, the scale is not the best determining factor of what is going on weight-wise. The scale only reports the total weight, not the lean body mass nor body fat percentage. In addition, there are people who do not appear over-weight, but do have an unhealthy body fat percentage & a low-weight lean body mass. For one reason or another theyare not burning fat & more than likely, they are building insulin resistance on their cell borders, leading down the path to the killer diseases. Keep in mind that here are also individuals who have a dense lean body mass & lower body fat percentage who will weigh more than they appear as muscle weighs more than fat. Athletes often fall into this category.
Here are some keys to attaining a healthy lean body mass,body fat percentage & weight:
1. FIRST....you must have a HOT DESIRE to not only REACH your goal but to ATTEND to it FOREVER !! It needs to be fed each & every day with powerful affirmations, loaded with positive emotion. All negative mind states that present themselves MUST BE diminished as soon as they are noticed. Then, you must re-educate those emotional states, not only with new behaviors, but with HOT DESIRE.
2. Next, it's important to take stock of where you are RIGHT NOW in regard to your lean body mass & body fat percentage. You scale weight is actually a secondary issue at this time. There are websites that will help you to figure this out & also give you an idea of a healthy body fat percentage for your age & level of health. If you would like to write to me, I will be happy to help you as well.
3. Once you know your lean body mass, you will need to find out how much protein your body needs in a total day in order to burn fat. Again, check the web or write to me. Depending on your body fat percentage, body weight & exercise levels, you may need even more. You will also need to know how to divide your required protein throughout your day. Protein is calculated in grams or units. 7 grams equals one protein unit, so if you are measuring tofu or nuts as a protein choice, be sure to estimate your serving. Don't eat out of the package. Place your serving on a plate. An ounce of meat or poultry, one ounce of cheese & 1.5 ounces of fish constitutes a protein unit. There is usually no need to measure, but one certainly needs to "eyeball" serving sizes. Do know that when the meals are properly designed, hunger levels will normalize. That means that "I could eat the wallpaper off the wall" hunger levels will be gone forever.
4. Meals must be scheduled every 3.5 to 4 hours to avoid "big bridges" that interfere with healthy blood sugar levels. "Walk-by" & "thought-less" eating patterns also need to be broken to preserve this healthy fat-burning physiological state. These negative eating habits over-produce insulin & since insulin stores fat, you can guess the outcome. Heightened awareness & interactive self-hypnosis will help with this. If "break-through" hunger occurs, the previous meals need to be reviewed. In most instances one will find insufficient nutrition or hidden insulin triggers. Common ones include coffee, caffeinated tea, diet soda, artificial sweeteners, gum or breath mints. Insufficient water causing dehydration is also a possibility.
5. Its important to learn the difference between low, SLOW & high glycemic carbohydrates. Certain high glycemics, such as refined foods containing white flour & high fructose sugars tend break down very rapidly,causing the hormone insulin to be over-produced. Although we need insulin to survive, when it is over-produced it leads to excess fat storing, as well as to a condition known as insulin resistance, the precursor to the killer diseases. In addition, if a person smokes or has alcohol dependency, cravings increase.
6. Low-glycemic carbohydrates include all varieties of lettuce, sprouts, cucumbers, peppers, radish, artichoke, kale, zucchini, snow peas, asparagus, brussel sprouts, okra, arugula, broccoli, endive, spinach, green beans, cabbage, mushrooms, eggplant, yellow squash, turnips, to name a few. Tomatoes can be acceptable in smaller amounts as they are actually a fruit. These vegetables help to balance the blood sugars, as well as containing lots of vitamins & minerals. You can eat them raw or cooked.
Most obese individuals under-eat low-glycemic vegetables & over-eat high-glycemics, especially the refined choices. They have a strong tendency towards disorderly eating, eating too little of what their body needs to burn fat & compensating with larger portions or overly-frequent eating of foods that raise their insulin levels & place their body into food stress. When the needed meals are not properly balanced & delivered when they are needed, the pancreas WILL over-produce insulin & the body will store fat. Keep in mind that the body NEEDS proper nutrition & cannot go & get it for itself. Believe me, if it could it would !! The body looks for homeostasis or balance & so if the nutrition is not DELIVERED, the body will break down the lean body mass & store it as fat.
7. High-glycemic vegetables include acorn squash, butternut, corn, lima beans, refried beans, artichokes, beets, kidney beans, parsnips, peas, white & sweet potatoes, chickpeas, lentils, carrots to name a few. All grains are high-glycemic carbohydrates. Choose whole grains & stay away from refined ones. Read the labels. Choose breads that are dense & have no sugar or sweeteners of any sort added to the dough. If you suspect a sensitivity to yeast, choose a yeast-free product. If you suspect a sensitivity to a particular grain, check it out & if necessary take it out & try a different grain. Other grains include rice, both white & brown, barley, quinoa, millet, rye, buckwheat & oats. Bulgur & couscous are both wheat.
8. All fruits are high-glycemic & need to managed properly. Stay away from juices & pretend juices. They stimulate insulin production & very quickly. As for whole fruits, much will depend on your already present level of insulin resistance & how sensitive you are to the particular fruit. If your body fat percentage is high, you may need to limit fruits & to choose those that have less tendency to drive the blood sugar up. Those include blueberries, blackberries, raspberries & strawberries. Dried fruits, bananas, guava, mangos, papayas & dates are very glycemic & should be avoided unless there is some very good reason to include them.
Most people I see in my office tend to over-eat fruit. They see it as a healthy food & therefore interpret that as an "ok" to eat it whenever they like & as often as they like. I have one patient who nibbles grapes throughout the day. Think about that for a moment. She is actually asking her pancreas to produce insulin each & every time she pops one into her mouth!
9. Breakfast should consist of protein, healthy fat & a slow or dense carbohydrate. The portions depend on the needs of the body in the front part of the day. Fruits are usually not a good choice here, especially if the body fat percentage is high. They are often responsible for break-through hunger in the middle of the morning, or in the early afternoon. Depending upon the time one starts the day, there may be a need for two small breakfasts. I find this occurring in nurses who wake up at 5 AM & start their work shift at 7 AM. They may not be scheduled for lunch until 12 or 1 PM. It's important to work with "the bridges" so as to manage the blood sugars properly. All caffeinated beverages stimulate insulin production !! One is still paying for 8 ounces of coffee ten hours later !
10. Lunch is time for protein, healthy fat & lots of low-glycemics. By lots I mean at least 3 cups. Depending on the individual, a serving of grain may also be needed here. When one is looking to lose body fat percentage, the amount of food needed during this time is often higher.
Obese individuals usually over-eat at lunch OR starve. Once again, disorderly eating is a big problem here. Those who are disorganized find themselves dealing with lack of planning & looking for the easy way out that usually means joining the "let's order out" group in the office. For those who are home, it's easy to join the children or to just open the refrigerator & let the hands do the walking instead of the head. Water is the beverage of choice. Decaffeinated green tea is acceptable. I'm not talking about the bottled variety, but that make from loose tea or a tea bag.
11. Mid afternoon is low blood sugar time for most people & an afternoon snack is often a must. Once again, count those hours & watch out for "big bridges." The size of the snack depends on the body needs. The choices fall into the categories of protein, healthy fat & low-glycemics. These foods balance out the blood sugars & form a healthy bridge to dinner.
To be continued....
Monday, October 15, 2007
Addressing the Therapeutic Self
"We think we want to do things, but that simply isn't enough, for without emotional motivation, the thought won't go anywhere. It's like a car without gas."....Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
As writers we have many, many unique opportunities to help our readers or listeners towards change, but that won't happen unless the written or spokenWord is well-marinated in hot-desire emotional images that speak directly to the therapeutic part of our audience's mature self. It's also not going to happen if we are not taking good care of ourselves, both physically & emotionally. This is especially important for those of us who write in the field of self-help & self-development, although well-written fiction has placed many a person on the road to change because the subconscious mind doesn't know the difference between truth or fiction.
Inside each of us is something called the therapeutic self. In the practice of nursing, this is a key element in designing the nursing care plan for the patient. In writing, I find this just as important. When someone says "your writing or your audio really speaks to me," you know that you have reached the door of the therapeutic self.
The concept of the therapeutic self plays a major role in the development of a positive attitudinal approach, both for the writer & the reader/listener. What you do, what you say, as well as what you think & feel make you unique & your uniqueness is the key to deep caring. The depth of the caring will impact on the ability to bring change. To achieve positive change, each of us, writer & reader/listener must be invited & then to be motivated to look at ourselves & to examine our assets & liabilities.
Without the knowledge gained from an honest appraisal of the personal self, the therapeutic self can be in jeopardy of being ineffective as a change agent. So yes, as writers, we have our own self-work to do, if we want to bring this depth to our audience.
To be therapeutic, you must be yourself. And so, you need to recognize your personal strengths, as well as your weaknesses & to work with them, bringing them to their highest levels. In the practice of Interactive Self-Hypnosis, this is accomplished with the help of the subconscious mind. Here's an inner working example:
Invite yourself to relax deeply into the moment. This is as simple as finding a quiet place, utilizing a few cleansing breaths & intending to bring this experience to yourself. Once settled in, tilt your closed eyes up about twenty degrees & view the mind-screen. If you are not a visual person, just pretend that you are sitting in the second row of a movie theater & put your limitations aside. On the screen place your mature or therapeutic self, perhaps sitting on a comfortable chair. On the right are chairs for your assets & on the left sit the chairs for your liabilities. Image them as children coming in & taking their appropriate places. Notice there is no voice of judgment.
Once everyone is settled down, notice the light filtering in through a big window & entering both the assets & the liabilities. Black drops exit the fingertips, transmuting into gold dust as they touch the floor. Notice the assets are becoming bigger & stronger; the liabilities smaller & less intensive. The gold dust is now presented to your therapeutic self to bring back to the workshop of your daily world.
Here you are being genuine, honest, open & flexible. There is no voice of judgment. Nothing here speaks to errors or mistakes or any other negatives. Here, the self-esteem grows strong. In allowing yourself to just be, you share feelings, as opposed to trying to mask or cover them. Sharing is a very meaningful part of honest & open communication, but before you can have it with others, you must be able to have it with yourSelf. This is the practice of being human & is the essence of professionalism, both with yourSelf & with your audience. This is mature growth.
The therapeutic self needs specific positive attitudes for living at healthy levels. This is so for both writer & audience & so when writing, we come from our own therapeutic position & speak to the mutually mature aspect of our audience. Here are some powerful additudes to entertain, as well as to deliver in your writing:
Personal Worth: This is the viewpoint your hold about yourself & others. For example, staying aware & understanding such things as cultureal & social differences, respect for humanity, tolerance & patience towards human fraility. This is especially key when writing for addiction or other self-help areas. Whether it be the spokenWord or written word, the writer should demonstrate a conviction that dignity, individuality & equality of people must be protected.
Personal Integrity: I believe strongly that we must all maintain a sense of honesty towards ourselves & with others. We communicate on so many different levels & if we are living a dishonest life, then this will come through as well....not the type of delivery we want.
Open-Mindedness: We can model a willingness & ability to change, for it sits within all of us. As we practice, this will find itself in the work we deliver to our audience.
Hopefulness: As writers, we must practice looking at our own life situations from the bright side. This will then allow us to easily convey brightness to our audience, keeping in mind that we cannot give what we do not have to give.
So writing is not just about getting the words on paper, or the sounds on the disk. It's not just about deadlines & struggling with mental blocks. Writing is also about how we care for ourselves & the attitudes we hang around with, for like it or not, they are a part of what we share, consciously or subconsciously.
If you are new to hypnosis, do know that anyone can work hypnotically. In actual fact, we tend to be in self-imposed hypnosis all day long. In therapeutic hypnosis, we work to de-hypnotize ourselves and then transcend into the mind-state and image of what we want, instead of what we don't want. If you haven't experienced this before, here is a very special Interactive Self-Hypnosis audioBOOK session called "High Level Nutrition." The full program is available on my website. Here's a brief introduction....
Practicing High Level Nutrition #1015
"Pinpointing your current location of your life path is important when deciding to change course. Most of us have little idea as to where we are "path-wise" in relation to the chronic disease door, nor have we evaluated how fast we are walking towards it. Moments do count. Everything you put in your mouth counts. Think of your body departments as being bank accounts. What is your balance?"........Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
The American diet leaves much to be desired, & while many would choose to change their dietary habits, they find it difficult to be persistent. This audio program presents the issues to the subconscious mind & designs a plan for positive change with little effort. As the nutrition improves, the mind & body all function at a higher level. Listeners learn to program the correct amount of protein needed by the lean body mass, a desire to eat lower glycemic vegetables to enable fat-burning & balanced blood sugar levels, as well as balancing those foods that are related to compulsive & emotional eating.
This audio includes deep relaxation, entry tools to the subconscious mind, imagery designed specifically for emotional & thought management related to maintaining healthy nutritional practices, inner motivation & lifestyle change, as well as Interactive Self-hypnosis © practice.
The past issues of this blog can be found below. Other segments are stored in the following separate blog. For those of you who would like to practice Interactive Self-Hypnosis, there is always a complimentary mp3 sitting on my website.
As writers we have many, many unique opportunities to help our readers or listeners towards change, but that won't happen unless the written or spokenWord is well-marinated in hot-desire emotional images that speak directly to the therapeutic part of our audience's mature self. It's also not going to happen if we are not taking good care of ourselves, both physically & emotionally. This is especially important for those of us who write in the field of self-help & self-development, although well-written fiction has placed many a person on the road to change because the subconscious mind doesn't know the difference between truth or fiction.
Inside each of us is something called the therapeutic self. In the practice of nursing, this is a key element in designing the nursing care plan for the patient. In writing, I find this just as important. When someone says "your writing or your audio really speaks to me," you know that you have reached the door of the therapeutic self.
The concept of the therapeutic self plays a major role in the development of a positive attitudinal approach, both for the writer & the reader/listener. What you do, what you say, as well as what you think & feel make you unique & your uniqueness is the key to deep caring. The depth of the caring will impact on the ability to bring change. To achieve positive change, each of us, writer & reader/listener must be invited & then to be motivated to look at ourselves & to examine our assets & liabilities.
Without the knowledge gained from an honest appraisal of the personal self, the therapeutic self can be in jeopardy of being ineffective as a change agent. So yes, as writers, we have our own self-work to do, if we want to bring this depth to our audience.
To be therapeutic, you must be yourself. And so, you need to recognize your personal strengths, as well as your weaknesses & to work with them, bringing them to their highest levels. In the practice of Interactive Self-Hypnosis, this is accomplished with the help of the subconscious mind. Here's an inner working example:
Invite yourself to relax deeply into the moment. This is as simple as finding a quiet place, utilizing a few cleansing breaths & intending to bring this experience to yourself. Once settled in, tilt your closed eyes up about twenty degrees & view the mind-screen. If you are not a visual person, just pretend that you are sitting in the second row of a movie theater & put your limitations aside. On the screen place your mature or therapeutic self, perhaps sitting on a comfortable chair. On the right are chairs for your assets & on the left sit the chairs for your liabilities. Image them as children coming in & taking their appropriate places. Notice there is no voice of judgment.
Once everyone is settled down, notice the light filtering in through a big window & entering both the assets & the liabilities. Black drops exit the fingertips, transmuting into gold dust as they touch the floor. Notice the assets are becoming bigger & stronger; the liabilities smaller & less intensive. The gold dust is now presented to your therapeutic self to bring back to the workshop of your daily world.
Here you are being genuine, honest, open & flexible. There is no voice of judgment. Nothing here speaks to errors or mistakes or any other negatives. Here, the self-esteem grows strong. In allowing yourself to just be, you share feelings, as opposed to trying to mask or cover them. Sharing is a very meaningful part of honest & open communication, but before you can have it with others, you must be able to have it with yourSelf. This is the practice of being human & is the essence of professionalism, both with yourSelf & with your audience. This is mature growth.
The therapeutic self needs specific positive attitudes for living at healthy levels. This is so for both writer & audience & so when writing, we come from our own therapeutic position & speak to the mutually mature aspect of our audience. Here are some powerful additudes to entertain, as well as to deliver in your writing:
Personal Worth: This is the viewpoint your hold about yourself & others. For example, staying aware & understanding such things as cultureal & social differences, respect for humanity, tolerance & patience towards human fraility. This is especially key when writing for addiction or other self-help areas. Whether it be the spokenWord or written word, the writer should demonstrate a conviction that dignity, individuality & equality of people must be protected.
Personal Integrity: I believe strongly that we must all maintain a sense of honesty towards ourselves & with others. We communicate on so many different levels & if we are living a dishonest life, then this will come through as well....not the type of delivery we want.
Open-Mindedness: We can model a willingness & ability to change, for it sits within all of us. As we practice, this will find itself in the work we deliver to our audience.
Hopefulness: As writers, we must practice looking at our own life situations from the bright side. This will then allow us to easily convey brightness to our audience, keeping in mind that we cannot give what we do not have to give.
So writing is not just about getting the words on paper, or the sounds on the disk. It's not just about deadlines & struggling with mental blocks. Writing is also about how we care for ourselves & the attitudes we hang around with, for like it or not, they are a part of what we share, consciously or subconsciously.
If you are new to hypnosis, do know that anyone can work hypnotically. In actual fact, we tend to be in self-imposed hypnosis all day long. In therapeutic hypnosis, we work to de-hypnotize ourselves and then transcend into the mind-state and image of what we want, instead of what we don't want. If you haven't experienced this before, here is a very special Interactive Self-Hypnosis audioBOOK session called "High Level Nutrition." The full program is available on my website. Here's a brief introduction....
Practicing High Level Nutrition #1015
"Pinpointing your current location of your life path is important when deciding to change course. Most of us have little idea as to where we are "path-wise" in relation to the chronic disease door, nor have we evaluated how fast we are walking towards it. Moments do count. Everything you put in your mouth counts. Think of your body departments as being bank accounts. What is your balance?"........Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
The American diet leaves much to be desired, & while many would choose to change their dietary habits, they find it difficult to be persistent. This audio program presents the issues to the subconscious mind & designs a plan for positive change with little effort. As the nutrition improves, the mind & body all function at a higher level. Listeners learn to program the correct amount of protein needed by the lean body mass, a desire to eat lower glycemic vegetables to enable fat-burning & balanced blood sugar levels, as well as balancing those foods that are related to compulsive & emotional eating.
This audio includes deep relaxation, entry tools to the subconscious mind, imagery designed specifically for emotional & thought management related to maintaining healthy nutritional practices, inner motivation & lifestyle change, as well as Interactive Self-hypnosis © practice.
The past issues of this blog can be found below. Other segments are stored in the following separate blog. For those of you who would like to practice Interactive Self-Hypnosis, there is always a complimentary mp3 sitting on my website.
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