Friday, October 5, 2007

Communicating with the Physical & Emotional Self

"Body sensations act as keys for managing thoughts & emotions, as well as working to make space for planting new goal images."......Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht

Opening Your Subconscious Mind Medical Information Files

Let's begin by having a look at your past health files, as well as your current health. You might want to open your journal to a blank page. Your subconscious mind is sensitive to the presentation of limitations and will be oblige by either limiting or expanding the information provided to you, so be sure to give it good direction. This holds true for time limitations, as well as writing. So if you are feeling rushed or procrastination has come to visit, simply notice it and diminish it. Remember, you are in charge, not your emotional states.

It is a good idea to make your journal or writing work for your eyes only, especially at first viewing. Your inner mind will be willing to show you more if it has that inner security. While it is fine to discuss your work with others, practice being prudent. Many people who have addictions tend to be compulsive and so this is a good opportunity, as well as a worthwhile cause to practice self-control.

This is also a good time to practice both inner and outer organization. Your subconscious mind librarian likes order and will bring more files forward when order is recognized. When your life is indicating that you are over-whelmed or existing in clutter, both the mind and body move out of the creative mode and into survival mode. You feel this as stress in your body, as well as in your mind. As you get better at these tools, you will begin to recognize the early arrival of stress, instead of waking up when it is fully engaged and raging.

You might like to clear your desk except for your journal or pen, turn off your cell phone or unplug your regular phone and make certain you will not be disturbed for the period of time you have decided to work on this project. If you are working directly on your computer, close other programs and turn off all instant messaging. All of this preparation sends the message to your subconscious mind that important work is about to begin here and the law of expectation will prevail.

Let's begin a current health review.

In order to change, you need to know where you are in relation to your body. The skills you will be building here include mental biofeedback, body scanning and interactive self-hypnosis, the major tools for inner exploration. Later on you will be reading more about these tools in their specific chapters, but for now you can work at the level where you are currently.


Starting at the top of your head slowly scan down your body, just as if you had one of those airport hand scanners. You might inwardly view your head as one unit, simply noticing your eyes, nose, ears, skin, mouth and certainly your teeth and gums. Going further down mentally visit your neck, go inward to your voice box and down into your lungs both right and left. Your only work is to mentally notice these areas and simply observe that they are there. Mentally locate your esophagus, the long tube that travels to your stomach, enter that area and include your gallbladder, liver, pancreas and down into your intestinal tracts to your rectum. If you don’t know where some of these parts reside in your body, it’s a good idea to find out. This is quite easy to do in the local library or online.

Take some time to renew your friendship with your heart and circulatory system, as well as your reproductive, skeletal, urinary, endocrine systems and total skin areas. Just as you would review a used car before purchasing, be honest in your self-appraisal. This honesty will re-pay you handsome dividends in the future. Make some notes on your current physical status. You will be setting goals in all these areas later on, but if your subconscious mind has something to say right now, do pay attention. Make some notes about what your body has to communicate to you, right now in this moment in time.

Disorderly eating, bingeing, faulty nutrition and addictions cause a high level of food stress in both the mind and body. You may have already received messages from particular body departments. Some common ones include gastrointestinal ailments, headaches, fatigue, etc. But other areas also carry the burden of food stress. As you renew your communication with them through interactive self-hypnosis, you will be able to spot where your food stress areas are located.

You will be working with mental biofeedback and body scanning throughout this entire program. Each day you will be spotting and releasing tension areas both consciously and subconsciously. Don't be surprised if someone tells you how relaxed you appear to be, even if you haven't noticed anything in particular yourself.


I'd like to provide you with an Interactive Self-Hypnosis Session for this part of the Online Workshop. You can find it at the following link. BECOMING AWARE This is one track or a 3 track program for practicing heightened awareness.....a key tool for managing your entire mind & body connection.

My goal, as the originator of Interactive Self-Hypnosis & the Workshop, is to show you how to become an exceptional strategist in your life, be it a battle or not. Here you will be empowered to take responsibility for your own health, your well-being & your level of performance. This Workshop is a unique road map leading you, the participant, into a world of optimum health, positive expectation & gently paced action....the true beginning of permanent lifestyle change.

The past issues of this blog can be found below. Other segments are stored in the following separate blog. For those of you who would like to practice Interactive Self-Hypnosis, there is always a complimentary mp3 sitting on my website. The program that is there presently is a full session called The Life University. This is part of a 2-CD/mp3 program for re-structuring goals & implementing them in all parts of life. I'm sure you will join others who have enjoyed working with this program. I'll be changing this in a few days, so you might want to take advantage of it while it is still posted.