Saturday, October 6, 2007

Regressing to the Child-Self

"The library of the mind is filled with jewels, all waiting to me mined.".........Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht

Today the Workshop participants are working with tools of regression, learning how to go back to their childhoods, relaxing & collecting some information to assist them on their "future-paths."

We all know how to bring up memories. Here you will be exploring the past in a light interactive self-hypnotic state. This is called regression, or working the time-line and is a very important tool for self-assessment.

Just like getting on a bus and going down a particular road, it is an easy way to turn the clock back while reviewing particular areas of interest. In this exercise you are going to regress for the purpose of reviewing your health files from your childhood years. You will be going back to the beginning and them reviewing forward up to the present. This method of regression and self-examination will allow your subconscious librarian to present information in an orderly way. Later on you will have time to work with these mind files.

Everything you are experiencing today is connected to past health files. When working with disorderly eating, bingeing or addictions, it helps to see the early connections. This allows for the removal of guilt and shame, as well as any mind confusion about these disorders.


Time-line work begins in the same way you relaxed earlier on, so go back to the deep relaxation exercise, inviting your mind and body to deeply relax. Once again, make certain you will not be disturbed. Tilting your eyes slightly upwards about twenty degrees, begin your bus journey back to the time you were a young child. Find the quiet area in your mind and take a few moments to enjoy how pleasant it is to be in the quiet mind space. Notice you are in a big library. The shelves are filled with books.

Go to the area marked "early works" and take your childhood health book off the shelf. Notice your name is on the cover and that you are the author. Don't be surprised if your baby picture is on the cover. Be sure to notice how beautiful you are.
Open the book at the beginning. It doesn't matter if these memories are vague or even absent.

Let your subconscious librarian lead you without efforting. Just allow it to happen. Now ask to see any and all information about your birth health status. You will be conversing with your subconscious mind through imagery, so beginning at the top of the baby's head scan slowly downwards and notice any areas that seem to beckon you to stay a moment longer.

Notice you are doing this exercise as the observer of the baby. This allows you to stay in your adult self and manage a good assessment.
Truly get re-acquainted with your young self. Step back and look at the infant or young child as a whole. Notice that you can communicate with your self at any and all ages.

· Do you appear healthy?
· Were you happy?
· Were you stressed?
· Can you identify the source of your stress?
· How did you manage your stress?
· Were you under-weight or over-weight ?
· Did anyone tell you that you were?
· Were there any surgeries or hospitalizations?
· Were there any serious illnesses or chronic problems?
· Does your subconscious librarian have any special messages for you from the child?

Make some notes in your journal about images that presented themselves to you. It's rather like remembering aspects of a dream. They may not make much sense right now, but the images were triggered for a purpose and they will make themselves clear either now or later.

Weight issues in childhood, even if only perceptions of others, can cause scarring. Past illness or surgery can also hold scars, both physical and emotional, well beyond what the eye can see. Sometimes these highly charged memories get in the way of current or future goals and even non-health related ones.

Remember we are always learning and some lessons may not be in our best interest and can interfere with the development of belief systems. It is important to work without judgment and evaluation. Open your mind to trust for everything presented has value.

There may be some things that you would like to diminish or give up completely. Perhaps you can't see or sense them clearly, but you can still accomplish this, simply by having the "desire" & pointing out the genre to your inner mentor or librarian. Here are some areas that you may like to consider:

Tiresome beliefs, habits or behaviors.
Old repetitive fears that have no value
Old secrets that simply fester underneath
Old challenges that hold no interest in the present

Ask your subconscious mind to show you other general areas. In the practice of hypnosis it is possible to clean & clear large areas as a unit, so take advantage of this.


I'd like to provide you with an Interactive Self-Hypnosis Session for this part of the Online Workshop. You can find it at the following link. It's a regression session, called The Train Ride. The second part of this mp3 program is about future-pacing.

My goal, as the originator of Interactive Self-Hypnosis & the Workshop, is to show you how to become an exceptional strategist in your life, be it a battle or not. Here you will be empowered to take responsibility for your own health, your well-being & your level of performance. This Workshop is a unique road map leading you, the participant, into a world of optimum health, positive expectation & gently paced action....the true beginning of permanent lifestyle change.

The past issues of this blog can be found below. Other segments are stored in the following separate blog. For those of you who would like to practice Interactive Self-Hypnosis, there is always a complimentary mp3 sitting on my website. The program that is there presently is a full session called The Life University. This is part of a 2-CD/mp3 program for re-structuring goals & implementing them in all parts of life. I'm sure you will join others who have enjoyed working with this program. I'll be changing this in a few days, so you might want to take advantage of it while it is still posted.