Monday, September 24, 2007

Lifestyle Change Made Easy

"You are already programming your subconscious mind for change.".....Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht

We rarely pay attention when climbing steps, but things are different with these 4 steps. Not only will we pay attention as a Workshop group, but the steps will open to us personally, allowing us to see/sense where we need to focus, mature, change & grow into the handling of new knowledge.

Here are the 4 areas of focus for lifestyle change & opening the mind to heightened creativity.

Personal Assessment - Basics! While this step isn't named as one of the Workshop steps, consider it as the "over-arching goal or environment. Everything is accomplished under this umbrella.

You will be taking a good look at your subconscious mind knapsack, finding out what is there, as well as what is needed for where you want to go. This is always the first order of business when planning a self-development or rehabilitation program & usually the most ignored area. The past & present hold many clues & gifts for programming the subconscious mind for future health & success. These are your assets, also known as your power & resilience. Also do know that there is always room for improvement & advancement, even if things are looking quite acceptable. Remember, this is only your perception, few of us being able to imagine our own capabilities. As you work within the Workshop, you will walk into & around your own inner mind where your assets are located.

High Level Nutritional Awareness & Compliance - You know this as the first step. It is fundamental! Don't be surprised IF you don't like considering this, OR think that you don't need to consider it because you believe that you eat healthy, etc. Trust me on this one. I've rarely met an individual who doesn't need this step! Nutritional equipment must be in top order. Food stress is a major component of all addictions, stress-related disease, performance issues, thereby directing the running of the entrie mind & body. This Workshop, which is based on my books & CD/mp3 programs, provides spoonfuls of change....the easiest & best way to get where you want to go.

Mindfulness- Awareness & Focus - This step is all about ongoing mindbody communication & inner listening. Answering & responding to body cell phone messages on subtle levels is key to winning all battles. Most people pay no attention to their body & then wonder why they were shot down. Not listening to your body is like playing a radio with static. You are missing your most important communicator.

Thought & Emotion Managing - The third step is vital for living. Manage your emotions or they will manage you. Thoughts & emotions are connected to the production of stress chemicals & left unattended to, they can kill you. The level to which you learn to manage this duo, will decide your level of health & success in all areas of life. Think this third step isn't important? Thoughts can easily enter your mind, becoming goals without being checked at the gate. People stay busy spending their days in publishing negative mind sttes, not even noticing the effect on their body & performance. Here in the Workshop, you'll be fine-turning your own inner communication system.

Interactive Self-Hypnosis - The most unique step & one that is only practiced by 2% of the population, not because the tools are difficult, but simply because they are not. Unfortunately, few of us have been taught to work with our subconscious mind in this way. When we know how to work with our inner computer center, we can change direction in any moment, keeping us on the road of goal-achieving & high level creativity. These are assets that we all have in place, but few utilize. Right now, in this moment, you are part of that 2%.

My goal, as the originator of Interactive Self-Hypnosis & this Workshop, is to show you how to become an exceptional strategist in your life, be it a battle or not. Here you will be empowered to take responsibility for your own health, your well-being & your level of performance. This Workshop is a unique road map leading you, the participant, into a world of optimum health, positive expectation & gently paced action....the true beginning of permanent lifestyle change.

The past issues of this blog can be found below. Other segments are stored in the following separate blog. For those of you who would like to practice Interactive Self-Hypnosis, there is always a complimentary mp3 sitting on my website. The program that is there presently is a full session called The Life University. This is part of a 2-CD/mp3 program for re-structuring goals & implementing them in all parts of life. I'm sure you will join others who have enjoyed working with this program. I'll be changing this in a few days, so you might want to take advantage of it while it is still posted. The next program will be on goal achievement.